OSIRIS/GTC Wavelength Calibration


In this paper (Mendez-Abreu et al. 2011, PASP,123, 1107),  we work out the wavelength calibration for the Tunable Filters of  the instrument OSIRIS attached to the 10-m class GTC telescope.

It tries to improve the calibration given in the original OSIRIS TF manual (June 28,2009), valid only in the central 4 arcmin and extended to 8 arcmin in our work. The current version of the manual (July 1, 2011) corrects one of the original equations as we suggested  (without  citing us), but the calibration constants are incorrects, and  so does that the wavelength calibration.

This is a link to OSIRIS news as for March 2013. Unfortunatelly, the work by Mendez Abreu et al is not mentioned in the current (V2) osiris manual.