Postdoctoral Position “OSIRIS PIPELINE CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010”. Deadline 17/12/07. PDF Imprimir

Deadline 17th of December of 2007

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias IAC (Tenerife, Spain) invites applications for one “OSIRIS PIPELINE CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010” POSTDOCTORAL POSITION, within the framework of the project financed by the Spanish Programme Consolider-Ingenio 2010 entitled “Consolider-GTC”. The successful candidate will participate in the development of the pipeline data reduction for the OSIRIS instrument and she/he is expected to actively participate in the OTELO survey. Deadline 17th of December of 2007.

OSIRIS is the optical Day One instrument for the segmented GTC 10.4m telescope ( The construction of OSIRIS, as well as its scientific exploitation, is headed by the IAC. OSIRIS enables direct imaging and wide-field multi-object spectroscopy. It's principal feature are the tuneable filters, which make it is possible to carry out deep survey of objects in emission; the so-called OTELO. Further information about OSIRIS can be found in Information about the IAC's research programme, its observatories and the GTC is available at the IAC's Web page (

Production of data reduction pipelines for the OSIRIS instrument, specially for long-slit and multiobject spectroscopy.

Scientific participation in the OTELO extragalactic survey.
Qualifications, knowledge and skills
Experience in direct imaging and spectroscopy data reduction, preferably using IRAF.

Experience in C++ and in IRAF programming. Python is strongly recommended.

Experience in the design and programming of data reduction pipelines would be an asset.

Applicants must have obtained a doctorate in Physics or Astrophysics. They will need to present due accreditation that they are in possession of their PhD at the moment of signing the contract.

The gross annual salary will be 32.405,56 €, subject to a deduction of approximately 20% for taxes and Social Security. Social Security cover for both the candidate and his or her spouse and children will be included.

The successful candidate will join the OSIRIS group at the IAC after the final Resolution by the Director IAC before the end of 2007. The duration of the contract is of three years with yearly renewals.

Non-UE citizens:
If you are citizen of a country not belonging to the European Union, you are not allowed to sign any contract with the IAC until you obtain the compulsory documentation required to live and work in Spain (Visa, Residence Permit, Exception of the Working Licence). Please contact the Spanish consulate in your country for details.
The Application Form (WORD, PDF).
Curriculum Vitae with list of publications, a brief report on your research/technical activity, and a covering letter telling us about the skills you can bring to the job (statement of suitability).
A photocopy of your PhD Degree or certificate.
A photocopy of your Passport.
At least two letters of recommendation must be sent (preferably by email) directly by researchers or professionals familiar with your work, to the Secretariat of the IAC's Research Division ( Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla ).

All the above documentation must be sent, preferably by email to:
The Secretariat of the Research Division, Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla ,
Phone: +34...
Fax: +34 922 605298.
Postal address: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, C/ Via Láctea s/n, E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.

IMPORTANT: If the documentation is sent by post, the application form must be stamped by an postal office with the date you sent it (the applicant should keep a stamped copy). The stamp on the envelope will NOT be accepted. Details on the evaluation and selection process for this position can be found in the official announcement (Spanish version only).

Further information: Dr. Jordi Cepa Nogué ( Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spambots. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla ); PI of the OSIRIS Project.