This directory contains the files required to fill the observing time CAT application form using LaTex, Word, and Pages. UPDATE: 28 Aug 2018 *** NOTE: The final product should be a pdf file: - a maximum of 4 pages for standard proposals (see other page limitations within the forms), - a maximum of 6 pages for large proposals (see other page limitations within the corresponding forms). *) File list: cat_en.sty: New LaTeX style file (only for LaTeX). cat_example.tex: Template to fill new proposals using the new LaTeX style file. Standard proposals. catlp_example.tex: Template to fill new large proposals using the new LaTeX style file. Large programs. cat_example_fig.pdf: Example of figure. cat_word.docx: Template to fill new proposals using Word. Standard proposals. catlp_word.docx: Template to fill new large proposals using Word. Large programs. cat_word.pages: Template to fill new proposals using Pages. Standard proposals. catlp_word.pages: Template to fill new large proposals using Pages. Large programs. *) To generate pdf files from LaTex, either you use the command pdflatex cat_example.tex or you produce a postscript file of your proposal, and the use: epstopdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 cat_example.pdf