Center for Astrophysics in La Palma Francisco Sánchez

This is the IAC Headquarters in La Palma,and has offices for research personnel, and offices for the management of the telescope facilities, meeting rooms, conference rooms and telecommunications offices and a library. It has computer and telecommunications facilities, as well as workshops, laboratories, and stores for the maintenance and development of scientific instruments. It also contains the LaPalma supercomputer, one of the seven nodes of the Spanish High Performance Computing Network (RES) as well as offices of some of the scientific institutions with telescopes at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM), such as the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS and the MAGIC collaboration.
Apartado de Correos 50
C/ Cuesta de San José, s/n
E-38712 - Breña Baja - La Palma