Odyssey in Space-Time

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Index of chapters: 1) Odyssey in Space-Time. The evolution of the concepts of Space and Time from the first civilizations to the theory of Relativity. 2) The dance of stars. Celestial mechanics: from the ortho and the sunset of the stars to the expansion of the Universe. 3) The message of light. Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, macroscopic behaviour of light. 4) The long life of stars. Stellar evolution: from clouds of interstellar matter to supernovae. 5) The Sun: the star of our life. The true face of our star and the importance of knowing it in depth. 6) Sol & Asociados, S.P. The Solar System: characteristics of our planetary system and questions about its formation. 7) Journey of discovery. 8) The last frontier of knowledge: Cosmology. The mystery of the origin and future of the Universe. 9) The universe of high energies. From the most violent sky to the entrails of matter: Astrophysics of high energies and Physics of particles. 10) Observing the Universe. Astrophysics observation in general and Astrophysics in the Canary Islands. This material is aimed at both educators and disseminators interested in Astrophysics. Author and project leader: Laura Ventura.