The Aurora Borealis in real time from Greenland and Iceland, with GLORIA

The camp on the ice of the Qaleralig glacier will be one of the places from which the Greenland Aurora will be transmitted. Credit:J.C. Casado
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In the framework of the European project GLORIA (GLObal Robotic telescopes Intelligent Array) the IAC will show real time transmission of the phenomenon. The GLORIA project includes the sharing of images and carrying out educational activities for students.

A number of Spanish institutions will collaborate in the transmission. The Canarian Command of the Army will organize the satellite system which will communicate with Greenland. Three supercomputing centres (CETA, CSUC, CESGA) will replicate the transmission portal. The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technolgy (FECYT) will also collaborate in the educational activities.

The polar aurorae can be observed only from the polar regions. They are phenomena produced by solar activity, which look to us like shining curtains with varied and changing shades and forms. But this summer we will have the opportunitg to observe the Aurora Borealis (the aurora which is seen from the northern hemisphere), directly from our homes, via an Internet connextion. This period of observation gives an ideal opportunity, because the Sun is showing a high level of activity since it reached solar maximum at the beginning of the year.

Further information: in Spanish Press Release

Live broadcast

GLORIA project website

Aurora Borealis images

Aurora Borealis videos


Miquel Serra-Ricart, IAC researcher, mserra [at] (mserra[at]iac[dot]es) / 0034649848305.

Satellite contact in Greenland (11:00-12:00 UT):

  • 00 870772321397
  • 00 870776729156
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