Kinematics of Arp 270: gas flows, nuclear activity and two regimes of star formation

Zaragoza-Cardiel, J.; Font-Serra, J.; Beckman, J. E.; Blasco-Herrera, J.; García-Lorenzo, B.; Camps, A.; González-Martín, O.; Ramos-Almeida, C.; Loiseau, N.; Gutiérrez, L.
Referencia bibliográfica

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 432, Issue 2, p.998-1009

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We have observed the Arp 270 system (NGC 3395 and NGC 3396) in Hα emission using the Galaxy Hα Fabry-Perot spectrometer on the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope (La Palma). In NGC 3396, which is edge-on to us, we detect gas inflow towards the centre, and also axially confined opposed outflows, characteristic of galactic superwinds, and we go on to examine the possibility that there is a shrouded AGN in the nucleus. The combination of surface brightness, velocity and velocity dispersion information enabled us to measure the radii, FWHM, and the masses of 108 H II regions in both galaxies. We find two distinct modes of physical behaviour, for high and lower luminosity regions. We note that the most luminous regions show especially high values for their velocity dispersions and hypothesize that these occur because the higher luminosity regions form from higher mass, gravitationally bound clouds while those at lower luminosity H II regions form within molecular clouds of lower mass, which are pressure confined.
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