in't Zand, J. J. M.; Cornelisse, R.; Kuulkers, E.; Verbunt, F.; Heise, J.
Referencia bibliográfica
X-RAY TIMING 2003: Rossie and Beyond. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 714, pp. 253-256 (2004).
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Presently seven superbursters have been identified representing 10% of
the total Galactic X-ray burster population. Four superbursters were
discovered with the Wide Field Cameras (WFCs) on BeppoSAX and three with
the All-Sky Monitor and Proportional Counter Array on RXTE. We discuss
the properties of superbursters as derived from WFC observations. There
are two interesting conclusions. First, the average recurrence time of
superbursts among X-ray bursters that are more luminous than 10% of the
Eddington limit is 1.5 yr per object. Second, superbursters
systematically have higher α values and shorter ordinary bursts
than most bursters that have not exhibited superbursts, indicating a
higher level of stable thermonuclear helium burning. Theory predicts
hitherto undetected superbursts from the most luminous neutron stars. We
investigate the prospects for finding these in GX 17+2.