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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Dust properties in the circumstellar shells of evolved stars: Observational constraints from ISO and Spitzer infrared spectroscopy
    We present the results of a systematic analysis of the solid state features identified in the circumstellar environments of a large sample of evolved stars with ISO/SWS and Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy. The sample includes several hundred stars with a wide variety of progenitor masses evolving from the early AGB phase to the PN stage. Our observations
    García-Lario, P. et al.

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  • Dust scattering and kinematics within the envelope of IRAS 09371+1212.
    We have acquired narrow and broad band imaging, together with high and low resolution spectroscopy for the source IRAS 09371+1212. As a result, we are able to show the presence of systematic colour gradients within the interior and exterior envelopes. Whilst the interior bright lobes are characterised by relatively high values of V-R (a regime of
    Cuesta, L. et al.

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  • Dynamical evolution of globular cluster systems in clusters of galaxies - I. The case of NGC 1404 in the Fornax cluster
    We investigate, via numerical simulations, the tidal stripping and accretion of globular clusters (GCs). In particular, we focus on creating models that simulate the situation for the GC systems of NGC 1404 and 1399 in the Fornax cluster, which have poor (specific frequency SN~ 2) and rich (SN~ 10) GC systems, respectively. We initially assign NGC
    Bekki, K. et al.

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  • Dynamical evolution of two associated galactic bars
    We study the dynamical interactions of mass systems in equilibrium under their own gravity that mutually exert and experience gravitational forces. The method we employ is to model the dynamical evolution of two isolated bars, hosted within the same galactic system, under their mutual gravitational interaction. In this study, we present an
    Garzón, F. et al.

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  • Dynamics of Loop Quantum Gravity and Spin Foam Models in Three Dimensions
    We present a rigorous regularization of Rovellis's generalized projection operator in canonical 2+1 gravity. This work establishes a clear-cut connection between loop quantum gravity and the spin foam approach in this simplified setting. The point of view adopted here provides a new perspective to tackle the problem of dynamics in the physically
    Noui, Karim et al.

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  • Early universe constraints on time variation of fundamental constants
    We study the time variation of fundamental constants in the early Universe. Using data from primordial light nuclei abundances, cosmic microwave background, and the 2dFGRS power spectrum, we put constraints on the time variation of the fine structure constant α and the Higgs vacuum expectation value ⟨v⟩ without assuming any theoretical framework. A
    Landau, Susana J. et al.

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