Researchers have observed the heating produced in the Sun by magnetic waves
Researchers have observed the heating produced in the Sun by magnetic waves
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Grant et al
A cartoon representation of a sunspot umbral atmosphere demonstrating a variety of shock phenomena. A side-on perspective of a typical sunspot atmosphere, showing magnetic field lines (orange cylinders) anchored into the photospheric umbra (bottom of image) and expanding laterally as a function of atmospheric height. The light blue annuli highlight the lower and upper extents of the mode conversion region for the atmospheric heights of interest. The mode conversion region on the lefthand side portraits a schematic of non-linear Alfven waves resonantly amplifying magneto-acoustic waves, increasing the shock ´ formation efficiency in this location. The mode conversion region on the righthand side demonstrates the coupling of upwardly propagating magneto-acoustic oscillations (the sinusoidal motions) into Alfven waves ´ (the elliptical structures), which subsequently develop tangential blue- and red-shifted plasma during the creation of Alfven shocks. The central portion represents the traditional creation of UFs that result from ´ the steepening of magneto-acoustic waves as they traverse multiple density scale heights in the lower solar atmosphere. Image not to scale. Credit: Grant et al.