Located at IAC headquarters, the library offers its services to IAC staff and authorized visitors who can access 24 hours a day. It also serves external libraries who need documents of our collections. The specialized collections in Astrophysics and related sciences contains: over 13.000 books (monographs, conference proceedings, reports, etc.), 360 journals (~100 current) and observatory and astronomical institution publications.
Library staff is available from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm (16/09- 14/06) and from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm (15/06-15/09).
We invite IAC Personnel and visitors to read the LIBRARY USER'S GUIDE and the LIBRARY RULES to discover the services we offer and the rules for a good use of the library.
By clicking on "Search in our Online Catalogue", you will be able to search our online catalogue that contains the bibliographic records of all the books and scientific journals in our library collections. IAC personnel and visitors will also be able to access the featured online resourses such as Standards, Online journals, Ebooks collections, Bibliographic Databases, etc.
- Last ebooks purchased title by title (2022)
E-books, Journals, Standards:
- Springer e-books in Physics and Astronomy: 2000-2023
- SPIE Digital Library: SPIE Proceedings and Journals
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Proceeding
- IAU Proceedings (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union)
- Aenor coleccion normas UNE: Search and read online. To obtain standards in pdf, send a request to biblio.
- List of online journals subscribed by IAC Library
Bibliographic Databases
- Web of Science (WoS) : Science Citation Index, Journal Citation Report, Essential Science Indicators, etc.
- Astrophysics Data System ADS: Bibliographic databases covering publications in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and the arXiv e-prints
Historical Notebooks (Scanned documents):
- A collection of 7 astronomical observations' notebooks made in 1886 and 1887 by Juan Valderrama: Notebook_1; Notebook_2; Notebook_3; Notebook_4; Notebook_5; Notebook_6; Notebook_7
External libraries may send to IAC library interlibrary loan requests using the “Contact” option to send a message.
IAC users who need documents (books, jorunals, articles, etc.) that are not in our collections can request them filling in this form or contacting library staff.
A Library Committee oversees the expenditure on bibliography, advises on development of books and journals collections, and proposes changes and improvements in Library activities for a better service to users. Its members are: