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About LISA User Manuals and Software:
Users Manuals of LISA are available under request (see the Contact link in the previous menu). For example:
- LISA Visible Test bench
- LISA security and cautions (for visiting users)
- LISA Visible Test bench: Figures of Merit (Theory and Routines)
Most of the control of the LISA facilities are partial or entirely automatic. For example:
- Vacuum and cryocontrol of the MWIR large cryostat with Schneider PLC system
- Calibration of the VIS and SWIR diodes for flux estimation (quantum efficiency)
- Mechanisms and light sources: filter wheels, shutter, monochromator tunning
- Temperature monitor and control of Lakeshore devices
- Vacuum monitor of Leybold and Pfeiffer devices
- Data acquisition is camera-dependent. There are some routines for typical protocols, as Camera Link, Firewire and most GigEthernet, under NI-Labview standards, but it is not usual (using Masurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) from National Instruments)
- Detector controllers are also implemented, as OWL-genIII ARC systems (currently not supported by closed-ARC, but still working at LISA).
Data processing is carried out by means of the so called FLIPA program (FITS LISA Image Processing Assistant). This is an IAC Python-based program which calculate immediately the main VIS and SWIR figures of merit, as readout noise, gain (PTC method), linearity or bad pixels, among others.