
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • El telescopio de la red SONG en el Observatorio del Teide /  Uli Fehr
    This week, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias is hosting the Second SONG Scientific Congress to conclude the first decade of high-level work of this international network devoted to the study of the interior of stars and the planetary systems that surround them. The meeting, which is taking place at the headquarters of IACTEC in La Laguna from 18 to 20 September, brings together more than 50 scientists from Europe, the United States, Australia and China to discuss the latest state-of-the-art techniques in time-resolved spectroscopy and stellar astrophysics. The Stellar Observations
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  • The President of the Cabildo of La Palma, Sergio Rodríguez inaugurated this morning the International Conference LSST@Europe 6
    The President of the Cabildo of La Palma, Sergio Rodríguez inaugurated this morning the International Conference LSST@Europe 6 which has brought together over 140 people from over twenty countries in the field of astrophysical research. In the oficial inauguration there was also participation by the Director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Valentín Martínez Pillet, the director of the LSST constructive project Zeljko Ivezic and the president of the international organizing committee Mireia Montes Quiles. Sergio Rodríguez noted the importance of this type of scientific
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  • Asteroid reflectance spectra from Gaia DR3
    Asteroids are the remnants of the planetary formation in the Solar System and so, their study helps us to understand the conditions during the early stages of the formation of our planetary system. Among asteroids, those classified as primitives present similar spectra to that of carbonaceous chondrites, i.e., they are rich in carbon and organic compounds and silicates altered by the presence of liquid water (phyllosilicates). Primitive asteroids are well characterized in various wavelength regions, showing their most diagnostic feature at 3μm. However, there is a lack of information in the
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  • Reinstalation of Commissioning Camera (ComCan) de LSST en Agosto de 2024 / Hernan Stockebrand
    During the week from 16th to 20th September the International Conference LSST@Europe 6 will be held in La Palma a meeting which will bring together some 140 researchers in astrophysics from more than 20 countries. At the meeting the latest advances in the LSST project, a front-lione initiative in the exploration of the Universe which will be carried out at the Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile and which has close collaboration from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). The project consists in carrying out a new and detailed census of the sky, called the Legacy Survey of Space and
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  • Image of the exterior lighting of the jetty of Puerto de las Nieves, in Agaete (Gran Canaria).
    The Technical Office for the Protection of the Quality of the Sky (OTPC) of the IAC is collaborating to advise about the implementation of energy efficiency and the reduction of light pollution in the port installations of general interest which belong to the public company Puertos Canarios. Specifically, the IAC has just issued a report which checks out the exterior lighting of the installations of the Port of las Nieves in Agaete (Gran Canaria), and in the coming months expects to carry out suitable tests in the Port of Vueltas in Valle Gran Rey (La Gomera) and the Port of Garachico
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