Understanding sub-stellar populations using wide-field infrared surveys

Pinfield, D. J.; Day-Jones, A. C.; Burningham, B.; Leggett, S. K.; Beaumont, H.; Tamura, M.; Tinney, C. G.; Liu, M. C.; Homeier, D.; Lodieu, N.; Deacon, N. R.; West, A. A.; Huelamo, N.; Dupuy, T.; Mortlock, D. J.; Warren, S. J.; Jones, H. R. A.; Lucas, P. W.; Ishi, M.; McMahon, R. G.; Hewett, P. C.; Zapatero-Osorio, M. R.; Martin, E. L.; Venemans, B. P.; Barrado, D.; Zhang, Z.; Morales-Calderon, M.
Bibliographical reference

Research, Science and Technology of Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets: Proceedings of an International Conference held in Shangai on Occasion of a Total Eclipse of the Sun, Shangai, China, Edited by E.L. Martin; J. Ge; W. Lin; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 16, id.06002

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This paper discusses benchmark brown dwarfs in various environments, and focuses on those in wide binary systems. We present a summary of the recently discovered T dwarf population from the UKIDSS Large Area Survey, and describe the constraints that it places on our knowledge of the sub-stellar initial mass function. We also present some exciting results from our ongoing search for wide companions to this sample, that has so far revealed an M4-T8.5 binary system at ˜12 parsecs and also the first ever Tdwarf-white dwarf binary system. The T dwarfs in these binaries have their properties constrained by the primary object and are thus benchmark objects that are already testing the predictions of theoretical model atmospheres.