Wide FastCam: a wide field imaging camera for the TCS

Murga, G.; Oscoz, A.; López, R.; Campo, Ramón; Etxegarai, Urtats; Pallé, E.
Bibliographical reference

Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9147, id. 91476Q 8 pp. (2014).

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The FastCam instrument, jointly developed by the IAC and the UPCT, allows, in real-time, acquisition, selection and storage of images with a resolution that reaches the diffraction limit of medium-sized telescopes. FastCam incorporates a specially designed software package to analyze series of tens of thousands of images in parallel with the data acquisition at the telescope. This instrument, well tested and used, has lead to another instrument with slightly different characteristics: Wide FastCam. Although it uses the same software for data acquisition, this time the objective does not look for lucky imaging but fast observations (some frames per second) in a much larger field of view. Wide FastCam consists of a 1k x 1k EMCCD detector and different optics offering a ~8 arcmin FOV. IDOM collaborated with IAC in the design of a high stability optical bench for the implementation of FastCam at the Telescopio Carlos Sánchez (TCS) and is currently collaborating in the implementation of Wide FastCam at the same telescope.