Helium Emissions as a Probe for Plasma Temperatures.
The strongest He II emission in the visible spectral range, at 4686 A, is for the first time observed at a spectral resolution sufficiently high for a line...
Morphological And Thermal Properties Of The Solar Corona : Diagnostic Tools & Applications
Progress in our understanding of the Solar corona and its underlying heating and acceleration processes, depends critically on our ability to measure...
(1) Polarized Line Formation theories: the relevance of partial; (2) TBD; (3) On all things transit.
1) Polarized Line Formation theories: the relevance of partial non-coherence in light scattering. Dr. Sampoorna Malali The basic theoretical tool for diagnosing...
(1) The effect of magnetic fields on solar abundance determinations (2) The solar photosphere in 3D. This time from observations
(1) In a recently published differential analysis (see Fabbian et al) we have derived abundance corrections for iron lines, using synthetic spectra from solar...
Arch Filament Systems and their evolution through the layers of the solar atmosphere
Emerging flux regions (EFRs) are seen as magnetic concentrations in the photosphere of the Sun. From a theoretical point of view, the EFRs are formed in the...
Are chromospheric fibrils tracing the magnetic field?
Fibrils are thin elongated features visible in the solar chromosphere in and around magnetized regions. Because of their visual appearance they have been...
Can solar activity and cosmic rays save us from global warming?
Global warming has often been portrayed as being connected only to greenhouse gasses in widespread media. However, these are just one of many factors...
Collapsograms: measurement of low signal-to-noise-ratio solar p modes in spatially-resolved helioseismic data
1.- I will give an overview of WeCAPP (Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project), a microlensing survey towards the Andromeda galaxy. WeCAPP monitored the...
Collisional phenomena in the lower solar atmosphere
The lower solar atmosphere is very weakly ionized, and by conductivity it is comparable to the sea water. The collisional frequency for electrons and ions can...