15 Large format (150 Mpix) QHYCCD camera tested at LISA
- 08 Testing CCD with ARC-OWL software and oscilloscope
- 09 Testing CCD with ARC-OWL software and Gen-III controller
- 10 Testing CCD with Gen-III controller and P/T control
- 11 Typical temperature control Lakeshore-based
- 01 GUI VIS test bench control with image camera acquisition (NI-MAX based)
- 05 Phtyhon-based FLIPA (FITS LISA Image Processing Assistant)
- 04 CCD testing: fringing at different wavelenghts
- 06 FLIPA results - 1
- 07 FLIPA results - 2
- 03 CCD testing (USAF pattern). Different output channels
- 02 GUI of the VIS test bench at LISA (Qt + Python)
- materia-socura-english.jpg
- 05 Testing commercial (QHYCCD) compact InGaAs cameras at LISA
- 01 Testing SWIR InGaAs compact cameras in the LISA test bench
- light bridges
- 05 Testing large format CCD /Teledyne integrated in TEC (Peltier) camera
- 02 Testing a Fairchild large CCD device and camera
- 07 Testing EMCCD small format /WFS commercial cameras (First Light)
- 03 Testing 4 and 16 megapixel CCD cameras, integrated in Spectral Instruments (SI) systems