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El programa Investigadores Visitantes Fundación Occident del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) sigue su curso con la recepción de un nuevo grupo de personal investigador procedente de distintos centros del mundo. Los investigadores cubrirán un amplio espectro de disciplinas, desde cosmología y astrofísica de partículas hasta física estelar, formación de galaxias y sistemas planetarios. Su presencia y colaboración con el personal investigador del IAC fortalecerá la actividad científica tanto del centro canario como de las personas invitadas y de sus centros de origen, fortaleciendoAdvertised on
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is hosting during this week the Second SONG Scientific Conference, which brings to an end the first decade of high level studies with this international network designed to study the interiors of the stars and the planetary systems which orbit them.Advertised on
A study led by researcher Laura Scholz, of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has found, for the first time, observational evidence that the evolution and the properties of the galaxies are conditioned not only by the mass of the stars they contain, but aso by the effect of the dark matter halos which surround them. The results are published in the specialist journal Nature Astronomy. Dark matter comprises around 85% of all the matter in the Universe. Although ordinary matter absorbs, reflects and emits light, dark matter cannot be seen directly, which makes its detectionAdvertised on