Implications of Burst Oscillations from the Slowly Rotating Accreting Pulsar IGR J17480-2446 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 5

Cavecchi, Y.; Patruno, A.; Haskell, B.; Watts, A. L.; Levin, Y.; Linares, M.; Altamirano, D.; Wijnands, R.; van der Klis, M.
Bibliographical reference

The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 740, Issue 1, article id. L8 (2011).

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The recently discovered accreting X-ray pulsar IGR J17480-2446 spins at a frequency of ~11 Hz. We show that Type I X-ray bursts from this source display oscillations at the same frequency as the stellar spin. IGR J17480-2446 is the first secure case of a slowly rotating neutron star (NS) which shows Type I burst oscillations (BOs), all other sources featuring such oscillations spin at hundreds of Hertz. This means that we can test BO models in a completely different regime. We explore the origin of Type I BOs in IGR J17480-2446 and conclude that they are not caused by global modes in the NS ocean. We also show that the Coriolis force is not able to confine an oscillation-producing hot spot on the stellar surface. The most likely scenario is that the BOs are produced by a hot spot confined by hydromagnetic stresses.