
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • RADIOFOREGROUNDS: Ultimate modelling of Radio foregrounds: a key ingredient for cosmology

    The aim of this project is to combine two unique datasets, the nine Planck all-sky (30-857 GHz) maps and the four QUIJOTE Northern sky (10-20 GHz) maps, to provide the best possible characterization of the physical properties of polarized emissions in the microwave domain, together with an unprecedentedly thorough description of the intensity

    José Alberto
    Rubiño Martín
    In force date
    Not in force
  • SUNRISE. The first sources in the universe

    The ALBA Network: The first Lights of the Universe, intends to detect the first sources to appear in the Universe. The ALBA collaboration started from a sub-group of researchers from the Consolider-Ingenio2010 project (CSD2006-00070): First science with the GTC, whose principal Investigator was the PI of this Red Temática. The ALBA collaboration

    José Miguel
    Rodríguez Espinosa
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Precision cosmology with Planck, Quijote and SDSS

    The main goal of this project is to ensure the scientific exploitation of the experiments, missions and surveys in which the Cosmology group at the IAC is involved in the period 2015-2017: PLANCK, QUIJOTE and SDSS (BOSS and eBOSS). The specific goals of this project are: I) To continue the scientific exploitation of the PLANCK mission during the

    José Alberto
    Rubiño Martín
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Participation in the NISP instrument and preparation for EUCLID science

    The main goal of this project is to ensure the scientific and technical participation of IAC and UPCT in the ESA space mission EUCLID (Cosmic Vision Program) during the period 2016-2018. In particular, the spanish scientific participation includes researchers belonging to IAC, UPCT, IFCA, CAB, IFT, Univ. of Salamanca and CEFCA. Currently, the NISP

    Carlos Manuel
    Gutiérrez de La Cruz
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Design, manufacture and putting into orbit of DRAGO: a near-infrared earth observation camera

    Within ALISIO project, which started in 2018, a new instrument called DRAGO is being developed. DRAGO is an Earth Observation camera, valid for operation in a low orbit (~600 km). This camera operates in the infrared range up to 1.6 micron and it is compatible with the CubeSat standard, fitting in platform CubeSat 3U+. The completion of this

    Pablo Gustavo
    Redondo Caicoya
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Extension building at IAC headquarters (Hawking building)

    This is a proposal to construct a new building with 3 floors and basement, to be built in the same plot where the current headquarters are located, and that would include 50 new offices, meeting rooms, services and facilities.

    Germán Ricardo
    Pescador Rodríguez
    In force date
    Not in force