Cooperation agreements

The IAC carries out most of its activity in close collaboration with national and international institutions. These collaborations are developed under the framework of Memorandum of Undesrstanding or Specific Agreements in which the rights and obligations of the signatories are established, as well as the possible counterbenefits for the achievement of common objectives. In this section, you will find the list of agreements participated by the IAC, with detailed information about signatories, the purpose of the agreement, period of validity and other details of interest.

  • Addendum to the protocol on cooperation in astrophysical research between the governments of the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Denmark, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland and the Kingdom of Sweden
    In view of the request by the Federal Republic of Germany to join the agreement on cooperation in astrophysical research and the protocol between the governments of the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom
  • Agreement on Cooperation in Astrophysics
    The Agreement on Cooperation in Astrophysics, which was signed by eight European countries in La Palma on the 26th May 1979, confers on signatory organisations effective participation in the decision
  • Record of Understandings between Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica and Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
    Agree to enter a detailed negotiation on a technical and programmatic basis aimed to install and operate the ASTRI Mini-Array at the Observatorio delTeide in Tenerife
  • Acuerdo entre el IAC y la FECYT para el acceso a la base de datos Web of Science

    Acuerdo entre el IAC y la FECYT para el acceso a la base de datos Web of Science