(Mid-resolution InfRAreD Astronomical Spectrograph) The infrared spectrograph of intermediate resolution, MIRADAS, will operate in the 1 to 2.5 micron infrared band with a spectral resolution of 20.000. During 2010, MIRADAS was selected as the infrared spectrograph for the new generation of instruments for the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), and presently it is under development by and International consortium.
MIRADAS is a multi-object spectrograph able to observe until 20 objects simultaneously thanks to its 20 articulated arms with a small mirror attached. Each arm can patrol a sector inside a 5 arcmin circle in the GTC focal plane.
The control system has 6 components:
Its main parameters are:
Target field of regard: 5 arcminute diameter 20 arms. Each arm patrols a “slice of pie” wedge of this circular field
Individual target field of view: 3.7 x 1.2 arc seconds
Slit slicer geometry: 3 slices of 3.7x0.4 arcseconds
Detector: 4096 x 2048 pixels Mosaico of two HAWAII-2RG 2Kx2K
Spectropolarimetry: Linear, circular Cross-dispersion mode for one object
Continuum sensitivity:
J=18.9 mag
H=17.4 mag
K=16.7 mag
S/N=10 for 1 hour on-source exposure
Emission line sensitivity:
5x10-18 ergs/cm2/s (point)
8x10-18 ergs/cm2/s (resolved)
S/N=10 for 1 hour on-source exposure
Resolved source assumes 1 square arcsecond detect cell
Its main parameters are:
Target field of regard: 5 arcminute diameter 20 arms. Each arm patrols a “slice of pie” wedge of this circular field
Individual target field of view: 3.7 x 1.2 arc seconds
Slit slicer geometry: 3 slices of 3.7x0.4 arcseconds
Detector: 4096 x 2048 pixels Mosaico of two HAWAII-2RG 2Kx2K
Spectropolarimetry: Linear, circular Cross-dispersion mode for one object
Continuum sensitivity:
J=18.9 mag
H=17.4 mag
K=16.7 mag
S/N=10 for 1 hour on-source exposure
Emission line sensitivity:
5x10-18 ergs/cm2/s (point)
8x10-18 ergs/cm2/s (resolved)
S/N=10 for 1 hour on-source exposure
Resolved source assumes 1 square arcsecond detect cell