Near Infrared Camera Spectrometer

NICS is the infrared camera/spectrometer designed and built for the National Telescope Galileo by the infrared group at the Arcetri Observatory in Firenze (Italy)
Infrared imaging
Range: 0.9µ to 2.6µ
NIR broad: JHK + narrow filters
Large Camera Scale: 0.25″/px – FoV: 4.2’x4.2′
Small Camera Scale: 0.13″/px – FoV: 2.2’x2.2′
LC+AO Scale: 0.08″/px – FoV: 1.4’x1.4′
SC+AO Scale: 0.04″/px – FoV: 0.7’x0.7′
Spectral Resolution: 500-1250
Slit-length: 4′