The Transient Survey Telescope (TNT) project will install a 1 metre telescope which, in a novel way, will have a wide field of view and will need high capacities of storage and digital processing.
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the Canary Company Light Bridges, with headquarters in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria have recently signe dan agreement which establishes the terms of the cooperation between the two for the installation, setting up, and exploitation of a special telescopic installation called the Transient Survey Telescope (TST)
The new telescope will be installed in the area reserved for robotic telescopes at the Teide Observatory, replacing a telescope which has been decommissioned. This site offers the possibility of carrying out programmes of astronomical research robotically.
Under this agreement Light Bridges will install the telescopic infrastructure TST and will be in charge of its manaement and scientific use, and will contribute the costs corresponding to the expenditure on Common Services of the Teide Observatory. In addition it will assign to the IAC 25% of the rights to observing time which are generated. The tow bodies will collaborate in the development and the installation of infrared instruments. One of the aims of this collaboration is the production of an astronomical map of the whole sky visible in the Northern Hemispehre.
The TST will use new models of collaboration between public and private entities developed by Dr. Antonio Maudes. The investment is estimated at 2,500,000 euros, to be made within two years. The project involves collaboration with a range of Canary businessmen and companies.
The IAC is a Public Consortium dependent on the Ministry of Science and Innovation, with participation by the Canary Government, the University of La Laguna, and the CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research)