HELAS IT-platform: A new tool for the European Helio- and Asteroseismology community.

Jiménez-Reyes, S. J.; Quintero Nerkhorn, J.; Pallé, P. L.; Helas Board
Bibliographical reference

Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol.153, p. 108-115

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HELAS is a Coordination Action funded under the European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) since April 1st, 2006 till March 31st, 2010. The HELAS Consortium includes 10 partner institutions that host researchers active in helio- and asteroseismology. This initiative offers a unique chance to advance the field further by coordinating the activities of researchers, enhancing the quality and quantity of science performed in Europe. The HELAS Forum is one of its Networking Activities. Its main goal is to encourage, provide, and support the tools, activities, and initiatives emanating from the European helio- and asterosesimology scientific communities. Thus, the HELAS Forum should ensure European competence and competitiveness in these areas by better coordinating the groups. It also enhances the synergies between the helio- and astero communities and between those and other non-European related activities. Here, we present the Helas Forum IT-platform (www.helas-eu.org), developed to facilitate the coordinated activities such as data and software package exchange, information about workshops and meetings, knowledge of the community, etc., as well as to allow tracking the development of HELAS activities.
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