Hα kinematics of S4G spiral galaxies - II. Data description and non-circular motions

Erroz-Ferrer, S.; Knapen, J. H.; Leaman, Ryan; Cisternas, Mauricio; Font, Joan; Beckman, John E.; Sheth, Kartik; Muñoz-Mateos, Juan Carlos; Díaz-García, Simón; Bosma, Albert; Athanassoula, E.; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Ho, Luis C.; Kim, Taehyun; Laurikainen, Eija; Martinez-Valpuesta, I.; Meidt, Sharon E.; Salo, Heikki
Bibliographical reference

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 451, Issue 1, p.1004-1024

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We present a kinematical study of 29 spiral galaxies included in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies, using Hα Fabry-Perot (FP) data obtained with the Galaxy Hα Fabry-Perot System instrument at the William Herschel Telescope in La Palma, complemented with images in the R band and in Hα. The primary goal is to study the evolution and properties of the main structural components of galaxies through the kinematical analysis of the FP data, complemented with studies of morphology, star formation and mass distribution. In this paper we describe how the FP data have been obtained, processed and analysed. We present the resulting moment maps, rotation curves, velocity model maps and residual maps. Images are available in FITS format through the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database and the Centre de Données Stellaires. With these data products we study the non-circular motions, in particular those found along the bars and spiral arms. The data indicate that the amplitude of the non-circular motions created by the bar does not correlate with the bar strength indicators. The amplitude of those non-circular motions in the spiral arms does not correlate with either arm class or star formation rate along the spiral arms. This implies that the presence and the magnitude of the streaming motions in the arms is a local phenomenon.
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