de Miguel-Hernández, J.; Hoyland, R. J.; M. F. Gomez Reñasco, M. F.; Rubiño-Martín, J .A.; Viera-Curbelo , T. A.
Bibliographical reference
Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
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The QUIJOTE Experiment was developed to study the polarization in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
over the frequency range of 10-50 GHz. Its first instrument, the Multi-Frequency-Instrument (MFI), measures in
the range 10-20 GHz which coincides with one of the naturally transparent windows in the atmosphere. The
Tenerife Microwave Spectrometer (TMS) has been designed to investigate the spectrum between 10-20 GHz in
more detail. The MFI bands are 2 GHz wide whereas the TMS bands will be 250 MHz wide covering the complete
10-20 GHz range with one receiver chain and Fourier spectral filter bank. It is expected that the relative calibration
between frequency bands will be better known than the MFI channels and that the higher resolution will provide
essential information on narrow band interference and features such as ozone. The TMS will study the atmospheric
spectra as well as provide key information on the viability of ground-based absolute spectral measurements. Here
the novel Fourier transform spectrometer design is described showing its suitability to wide band measurement and
√N advantage over the usual scanning techniques.
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