Solar-like Oscillations in KIC 11395018 and KIC 11234888 from 8 Months of Kepler Data

Mathur, S.; Handberg, R.; Campante, T. L.; García, R. A.; Appourchaux, T.; Bedding, T. R.; Mosser, B.; Chaplin, W. J.; Ballot, J.; Benomar, O.; Bonanno, A.; Corsaro, E.; Gaulme, P.; Hekker, S.; Régulo, C.; Salabert, D.; Verner, G.; White, T. R.; Brandão, I. M.; Creevey, O. L.; Doğan, G.; Elsworth, Y.; Huber, D.; Hale, S. J.; Houdek, G.; Karoff, C.; Metcalfe, T. S.; Molenda-Żakowicz, J.; Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G.; Thompson, M. J.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.; Gilliland, R. L.; Kawaler, S. D.; Kjeldsen, H.; Quintana, E. V.; Sanderfer, D. T.; Seader, S. E.
Bibliographical reference

The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 733, Issue 2, article id. 95 (2011).

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We analyze the photometric short-cadence data obtained with the Kepler mission during the first 8 months of observations of two solar-type stars of spectral types G and F: KIC 11395018 and KIC 11234888, respectively, the latter having a lower signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) compared with the former. We estimate global parameters of the acoustic (p) modes such as the average large and small frequency separations, the frequency of the maximum of the p-mode envelope, and the average line width of the acoustic modes. We were able to identify and to measure 22 p-mode frequencies for the first star and 16 for the second one even though the S/N of these stars are rather low. We also derive some information about the stellar rotation periods from the analyses of the low-frequency parts of the power spectral densities. A model-independent estimation of the mean density, mass, and radius is obtained using the scaling laws. We emphasize the importance of continued observations for the stars with low S/N for an improved characterization of the oscillation modes. Our results offer a preview of what will be possible for many stars with the long data sets obtained during the remainder of the mission.
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