Technology Transfer: IACTEC


  • 2nd LIOM International Workshop
    From 14 to 16 February, the second scientific meeting of the Laboratory for Innovation in Opto-Mechanics (LIOM) will be held at the IACTEC building managed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in the Science and Technology Park of La Laguna (Tenerife). This project is dedicated to the development of new optical and mechanical technologies that will form part of the next generation of telescopes capable of detecting biomarkers on exoplanets. One year after its creation, the IAC's Laboratory for Innovation in Opto-Mechanics (LIOM), is holding its second international meeting
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  • Falcon 9 de SpaceX con el satélite ALISIO-1
    ALISIO-1, el primer satélite propio del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), ha iniciado su viaje al espacio este viernes, 1 de diciembre, a bordo de un cohete de SpaceX. El lanzamiento que ha tenido lugar a las 18:19 horas desde la Base Vandenberg de la Fuerza Aérea Estadounidense situada en California (EEUU), se ha desarrollado sin ningún contratiempo El presidente del Gobierno de Canarias, Fernando Clavijo, que ha presidido el lanzamiento del primer satélite canario, ha valorado el exitoso trabajo que viene realizando el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias y ha dicho que “sitúa a
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  • Las tres imágenes que obtiene la aplicación PINRELL se combinan en una sola. Crédito: IACTEC.
    The technology which is used in astrophysics research is useful not only in space; many of the sophisticated techniques can be put to very good use in the field of medicine. On this basis in IACTEC there is a team of Medical Technology (TECMED) who develop combinations of the methods of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning used in astrophysics for the diagnosis of pathologies. To celebrate the International Day of Diabetes the team stresses the magnitude of the problema in the Islands. Some experts call diabetes one of the worst “silent pandemics”. Spain is the second country in the
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  • Visit to the IACTEC by Fernando Clavijo and Javier Franco
    The President of the Canary Islands Government, Fernando Clavijo, visited the IACTEC facilities this Friday, the technological and business collaboration space of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), to gain first-hand knowledge of the projects being developed and to give his support to the work underway. During the visit, the President was accompanied by the Director of the Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI), Javier Franco. During the event, Clavijo announced that research in astrophysics and astronomy will receive 7 million euros
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  • Representation of the ALISIO-1 satellite. Credit: IACTEC-Space.
    The first Canary Earth Observation Satellite, belonging to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), has successfully passed all the pre-launch technical tests, and is on the way to the United States for launch from California before the end of the year. ALISIO-1 ( Advanced Land-Imaging Satellite for Infrared Observations) is the first Canary satellite which will orbit the Earth, in the framework of the ALISIO space programme, led by the IAC and coordinated by the IACTEC-Space group. In 2018, the team gained its first success after the launch of an atmospheric sounding balloon with
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  • Mujeres de IACTEC
    La ciencia se escribe con muchas letras. Se escribe con f de física, con e de electrónica, con i de ingeniería. La ciencia se escribe también con m de mujer. En las jóvenes mentes de las investigadoras del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) habitaba una pequeña chispa científica que daría inicio a sus carreras. Niñas que contaban estrellas para dejarse dormir y que lucharían años más tarde por llegar al día en que sus sueños se hicieran realidad. Para poder observar y entender los secretos que esconde el Universo se necesita tecnología. De esto se encarga el IACTEC, un espacio de
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