
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2020. Pablo Sánchez
    The purpose of the grants is to train doctors by financing employment contracts, under the modality of the pre-doctoral contract, in order for researchers in training to carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project funded by grants for proyectos de I+D. of the State Subprogram of Knowledge Generation within the framework of the
    Ruiz Cobo
    In force date
    In force
  • Getting Ready for the Adaptive Optics of EST
    The overall objective of this proposal is to support the continuation of the Multi Conjugated Adaptive Optics (MCAO) demonstrator for the European Solar Telescope (EST). EST will be the largest solar telescope in Europe. It will include a 4-meter diameter primary mirror and the most advanced technologies, providing astronomers with a unique tool to
    Luz María
    Montoya Martínez
    In force date
    In force
  • Planetary protection - Young People as Agents of Change
    The IAC has been participating in the "Planet Change" project [this is how we call it for short] since October 2022. The project, financed by the European Commission within the framework of the Erasmus + program, has the mission of transferring "VET" students -Vocational and Educational Training- which in Spain would be high school and FP, aged
    Pablo Gustavo
    Redondo Caicoya
    In force date
    In force
  • Evolution of galaxies: fundamental parameters
    Galaxy evolution is one of the hot topics in Astrophysics that have shown tangible progress in the last years. This has been mostly due to advent of large telescopes, both ground based and in space, with state-of-the-art instruments, equipped with high sensitive detectors. They have made possible acquiring the deepest surveys in different
    Cepa Nogue
    In force date
    In force
  • MHD MODeling and beyond: in preparation for European Solar Telescope
    Solar Physics research will experience a big step forward in the next years. This progress will be founded on the contribution from recent and upcoming infrastructures, including the European Solar Telescope (EST), whose construction is planned for the next few years. EST will provide an unprecedented sampling of the photosphere and chromosphere to
    Felipe García
    In force date
    In force
  • Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2020. Giulia Golini
    The purpose of the grants is to train doctors by financing employment contracts, under the modality of the pre-doctoral contract, in order for researchers in training to carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project funded by grants for proyectos de I+D. of the State Subprogram of Knowledge Generation within the framework of the
    Ruiz Cobo
    In force date
    In force