Astrophysical instrumentation

Visible instrumentation

From its origins, the Instrumentation Division has participated in the construction of instrumentation to detect and analyze light in the visible range of the spectrum. Cameras, spectrographs, polarization analyzers, optical fibers fed systems, among others, have been designed, built, integrated and verified in our facilities.

  • Vista superior de ESPRESSO ya instalado
    ESPRESSO - Echelle Spectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic Observation
    Rebolo López
  • OSIRIS a punto de ensamblarse en el rotador del GTC
    OSIRIS - Optical System for Imaging low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy
    Cepa Nogue
  • Optical bench
    HORuS - High Optical Resolution Spectrograph
    Allende Prieto