The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument: one-dimensional power spectrum from first Ly α forest samples with Fast Fourier Transform

Ravoux, Corentin; Abdul Karim, Marie Lynn; Armengaud, Eric; Walther, Michael; Karaçaylı, Naim Göksel; Martini, Paul; Guy, Julien; Aguilar, Jessica Nicole; Ahlen, Steven; Bailey, Stephen; Bautista, Julian; Beltran, Sergio Felipe; Brooks, David; Cabayol-Garcia, Laura; Chabanier, Solène; Chaussidon, Edmond; Chaves-Montero, Jonás; Dawson, Kyle; de la Cruz, Rodrigo; de la Macorra, Axel; Doel, Peter; Fanning, Kevin; Font-Ribera, Andreu; Forero-Romero, Jaime; Gontcho A Gontcho, Satya; Gonzalez-Morales, Alma X.; Gordon, Calum; Herrera-Alcantar, Hiram K.; Honscheid, Klaus; Iršič, Vid; Ishak, Mustapha; Kehoe, Robert; Kisner, Theodore; Kremin, Anthony; Landriau, Martin; Le Guillou, Laurent; Levi, Michael; Lukić, Zarija; Magneville, Christophe; Meisner, Aaron; Miquel, Ramon; Moustakas, John; Mueller, Eva-Maria; Muñoz-Gutiérrez, Andrea; Napolitano, Lucas; Nie, Jundan; Niz, Gustavo; Palanque-Delabrouille, Nathalie; Percival, Will; Pérez-Ràfols, Ignasi; Pieri, Matthew; Poppett, Claire; Prada, Francisco; Ramírez Pérez, César; Rossi, Graziano; Sanchez, Eusebio; Schlegel, David; Schubnell, Michael; Seo, Hee-Jong; Sinigaglia, Francesco; Tan, Ting; Tarlé, Gregory; Wang, Ben; Weaver, Benjamin; Yèche, Christophe; Zhou, Zhimin
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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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We present the one-dimensional Ly α forest power spectrum measurement using the first data provided by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). The data sample comprises 26 330 quasar spectra, at redshift z > 2.1, contained in the DESI Early Data Release and the first 2 months of the main survey. We employ a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) estimator and compare the resulting power spectrum to an alternative likelihood-based method in a companion paper. We investigate methodological and instrumental contaminants associated with the new DESI instrument, applying techniques similar to previous Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) measurements. We use synthetic data based on lognormal approximation to validate and correct our measurement. We compare our resulting power spectrum with previous SDSS and high-resolution measurements. With relatively small number statistics, we successfully perform the FFT measurement, which is already competitive in terms of the scale range. At the end of the DESI survey, we expect a five times larger Ly α forest sample than SDSS, providing an unprecedented precise one-dimensional power spectrum measurement.
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