The Spatial and Age Distribution of Stellar Populations in DDO 190

Aparicio, A.; Tikhonov, N.
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The Astronomical Journal, Volume 119, Issue 5, pp. 2183-2193.

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The spatial distribution of stellar populations, the star formation history, and other properties of the dwarf irregular (dIrr) galaxy DDO 190 have been analyzed using color-magnitude diagrams of about 3900 resolved stars and the Hα fluxes of H II regions. From the mean color index of the red giant branch (RGB), a mean metallicity [Fe/H]=-2.0 is obtained. The I magnitude of the tip of the RGB has been used to estimate the distance. DDO 190 is 2.9+/-0.2 Mpc from the Milky Way, 2.1 Mpc from the M94 group (Cn 5-1), 2.4 Mpc from the M81 group, and 2.9 Mpc from the barycenter of the Local Group, all indicating that it is an isolated field galaxy. The surface brightness distribution of the galaxy is well fitted by ellipses of ellipticity e=1-a/b=0.1 and position angle of 82°. The radial star density distribution follows an exponential law of scale length α=43.4", corresponding to 611 pc. The Holmberg semimajor axis to μB=26.5 is estimated to be rB26.5=3.0′. Stellar populations of different ages in DDO 190 show strong spatial decoupling, the oldest population appearing much more extended than the youngest. Stars younger than 0.1 Gyr occupy only the central 40" (0.55 kpc) stars younger than a few (~4) Gyr extend out to ~80" (125 kpc), and for larger galactocentric distances, only older stars seem to be present. This behavior is found in all the dIrr galaxies for which spatially extended studies have been performed and could be related to the kinematic history of the galaxy. Based on observations made with the 2.5 m Nordic Optical Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by the Nordic Optical Telescope Scientific Association in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.