Time Series Analysis of Long Term Full Disk Observations Of The Mn I 539.4 nm Solar Line

Danilovic, S.; Vince, I.; Vitas, N.; Jovanovic, P.
Referencia bibliográfica

Serbian Astronomical Journal, Vol. 170, p. 79-88 (http://saj.matf.bg.ac.yu/)

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The equivalent width and central depth data of Mn 539.4 nm solar spectral line, observed in the period from 1979 to 1992 at Kitt Peak Observatory, was analyzed in pursuit for periodic changes. As the observations are highly unevenly sampled, test if the periods really exist in the observed data was needed. Two different methods for spectral analysis were applied to synthesized data sampled in the same way as observations. Comparation of these results with results obtained from the observed data showed that the parameters display at least three periodic changes with the periods of: 11-years, quasi-biannual and 27-days.