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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Three-dimensional numerical experiments of flux emergence into the corona
    Understanding the complicated non-linear thermal and magnetodynamic processes observed to continuously reshape the solar atmosphere requires the use of three-dimensional computer simulations and numerical experimentation. In this paper, a number of results from the recent generation of 3D numerical models of magnetic flux emergence from the topmost
    Moreno-Insertis, F.

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  • Three-dimensional simulations of solar magneto-convection including effects of partial ionization
    In recent decades, REALISTIC three-dimensional radiative-magnetohydrodynamic simulations have become the dominant theoretical tool for understanding the complex interactions between the plasma and magnetic field on the Sun. Most of such simulations are based on approximations of magnetohydrodynamics, without directly considering the consequences of
    Khomenko, E. et al.

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  • Three-wavelength sun photometer for aerosol characterization
    A three-wavelength sun-photometer was designed and built. The attenuation of direct solar light, at wavelengths of 0.38 micrometers , 0.50 micrometers and 1.00 micrometers were measured. Silicon photodiodes and interference filters of 10 nm FWHM were used. Aerosols were characterized by angstrom's turbidity formula in terms of coefficients (alpha)
    Tocho, Jorge O. et al.

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  • Time Evolution of Horizontal Subsurface Flows in the Sun
    A ring-diagram analysis technique has been applied to a region of the Sun of about 15 deg^2 area close to the disk center at dates chosen for several solar rotations in 1996: April 5, May 1, May 28, June 27, July 23, August 20, August 21, and September 18. The horizontal velocity flows inferred directly beneath the solar surface have thus been
    Khalikov, S. et al.

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  • Time series of high resolution photospheric spectra in a quiet region of the Sun. II. Analysis of the variation of physical quantities of granular structures
    From the inversion of a time series of high resolution slit spectrograms obtained from the quiet sun, the spatial and temporal distribution of the thermodynamical quantities and the vertical flow velocity is derived as a function of optical depth (logτ) and geometrical height (z). Spatial coherence and phase shift analyses between temperature and
    Puschmann, K. G. et al.

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  • Time-correlation of the solar p-mode velocity signal from GOLF
    Since the launch of SOHO, the Solar Heliospheric Orbital Observatory, the helioseismic observations are nearly uninterrupted. The GOLF instrument (A. Gabriel et al., 1997) measures the mean velocity integrated over the disk. The autocorrelation function of this velocity shows two main features: Firstly, the initial decrease of the peak amplitudes
    Gabriel, M. et al.

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