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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The Apsidal Motion Test of the Internal Stellar Structure - Comparison Between Theory and Observations
    In this paper we present the main results of an extensive comparison carried out between the most modern theoretical models of stellar structure, including moderate core over- shooting and mass loss, and the best available data of apsidal motion rates for double-lined eclipsing binaries. Though stellar absolute dimensions (radii, temperatures, etc)
    Claret, A. et al.

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  • The B0.5 IVe CoRoT target HD 49330. II. Spectroscopic ground-based observations
    Context: We present spectroscopic ground-based observations of the early Be star HD 49330 obtained simultaneously with the CoRoT-LRA1 run just before the burst observed in the CoRoT data. Aims: Ground-based spectroscopic observations of the early Be star HD 49330 obtained during the precursor phase and just before the start of an outburst allow us
    Floquet, M. et al.

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  • The BaSTI Stellar Evolution Database: models for extremely metal-poor and super-metal-rich stellar populations
    We present an extension of the BaSTI (Bag of Stellar Tracks and Isochrones) stellar evolution database to extremely metal-poor (Z = 10-5) and super-metal-rich (Z = 0.05) metallicities, with both scaled-solar and α-enhanced ([α/Fe] = 0.4) heavy element distributions. These new tracks (from the pre-main sequence to the early-asymptotic giant branch
    Pietrinferni, A. et al.

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  • The Birth of Stars. (Book Reviews: Star Formation in Stellar Systems.)
    Not Available
    Gallagher, John S., III

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  • The Birth of Stars. (Book Reviews: Star Formation in Stellar Systems.)
    Not Available
    Gallagher, John S., III

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  • The bright optical afterglow of the long GRB 001007
    We present optical follow up observations of the long GRB 001007 between 6.14 hours and ~468 days after the event. An unusually bright optical afterglow (OA) was seen to decline following a steep power law decay with index α = -2.03 ± 0.11, possibly indicating a break in the light curve at t - t0 3.5 days, as found in other bursts. Upper limits
    Castro Cerón, J. M. et al.

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