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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Planetary transit candidates in CoRoT-LRc01 field
    Aims: We present here the list of planetary transit candidates detected in the first long run observed by CoRoT: LRc01, towards the galactic center in the direction of Aquila, which lasted from May to October 2007. Methods: we analyzed 3719 (33%) sources in the chromatic bands and 7689 in the monochromatic band. Instrumental noise and the stellar
    Cabrera, J. et al.

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  • Planetary transit candidates in the CoRoT initial run: resolving their nature
    With the release of CoRoT lightcurves of the Initial Run IRa01, 50 transiting planetary candidates have been published in a companion paper. About twenty of them were identified as binary stars from the CoRoT lightcurve itself. Complementary observations were conducted for 29 candidates, including ground-based photometry and radial-velocity
    Moutou, C. et al.

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  • Planetary transit of TrES-1 and TrES-2 (Rabus+, 2009)
    We observed several transits of TrES-1 and TrES-2 with the IAC 80cm telescope. (2 data files).
    Rabus, M. et al.

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  • Polarized Mid-infrared Synchrotron Emission in the Core of Cygnus A
    We present high-angular (~0.''4) resolution mid-infrared (MIR) polarimetric observations in the 8.7 μm and 11.6 μm filters of Cygnus A using CanariCam on the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS. A highly polarized nucleus is observed with a degree of polarization of 11% ± 3% and 12% ± 3% and a position angle of polarization of 27° ± 8° and 35° ± 8° in
    Lopez-Rodriguez, E. et al.

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  • Position and Variability of {2A 1704+241}
    We present results of analyses of observations of the X-ray source 2A 1704+241 with the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) and the High Resolution Imager (HRI). 2A 1704+241 was first associated with the M-giant star HD 154791 based upon observations with the HEAO 1 SMC and the {Einstein} IPC and analysis of a spectrum of HD 154791
    Morgan, W. A., Jr. et al.

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  • Position-dependent infrared spectroscopy of M82 - 100,000 Orion nebulae?
    It is reported that 8-13-micron spectra have been obtained at several positions across the extended emission region of M82. No major differences among the spectra are found. In addition, a strong similarity is found between these spectra and the infrared spectrum of the Orion ionization front. The data are interpreted using a model for M82 in which
    Jones, B. et al.

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