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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • New Analysis Of The Baptistina Asteroid Family: Implications For Its Link With The K/t Impactor
    The Baptistina Asteroid Family (BAF) is the result of the breakup of an asteroid roughly 100 million years ago. This family is the source of meteoroids and near-Earth asteroids and likely caused an asteroid shower of impactors on our Earth. Bottke et al. (2007) proposed a link between the BAF and the K/T impactor, based on the favorable timing
    Delbo, Marco et al.

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  • New and updated stellar parameters for 90 transit hosts. The effect of the surface gravity
    Context. Precise stellar parameters are crucial in exoplanet research for correctly determining the planetary parameters. For stars hosting a transiting planet, determining the planetary mass and radius depends on the stellar mass and radius, which in turn depend on the atmospheric stellar parameters. Different methods can provide different results
    Mortier, A. et al.

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  • New Astrometry for Neos in the Frame of Euronear
    The major objective of EURONEAR is high precision astrometry of Near Earth NEAs Asteroids (NEAs) and Potentially Hazarduous Asteroids (PHAs) observed in a coordinated network. During the last year, the activity was conducted toward the identification of the first dedicated 1m telescope to be automated and operated by an EURONEAR Consortium, as well
    Sonka, Bruno A. et al.

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  • New ATLAS9 and MARCS Model Atmosphere Grids for the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)
    We present a new grid of model photospheres for the SDSS-III/APOGEE survey of stellar populations of the Galaxy, calculated using the ATLAS9 and MARCS codes. New opacity distribution functions were generated to calculate ATLAS9 model photospheres. MARCS models were calculated based on opacity sampling techniques. The metallicity ([M/H]) spans from
    Mészáros, Sz. et al.

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  • New generation Stokes inversion codes
    We utilize the concept of sparsity or compressibility to develop an new generation of inversion codes for the Stokes parameters. The inversion code uses numerical optimization techniques based on the idea of proximal algorithms to impose sparsity. In so doing, we allow to exploit the presence of spatial correlation on the maps of physical
    Asensio, A. et al.

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