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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The importance of improved collision cross sections in deriving interstellar cloud parameters from rotational line spectra
    It is shown how present uncertainties in the ability to compute collisional cross sections for rotational transitions can lead to order of magnitude errors in the interpretation of the observed antenna temperatures for rotational emission lines from interstellar clouds. The framework within which improved cross sections can be derived is described
    Beckman, J. E.

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  • The Influence of Bulge Profile Shapes on Claims for a Scale-free Hubble Sequence for Spiral Galaxies
    We investigate recent claims that the Hubble sequence of spiral galaxies is scale-free. Fundamental to this investigation is the fact that within the photometric data of 86 spiral galaxies from de Jong & van der Kruit-from which these claims were made-a trend exists between morphological type and bulge profile shape. While late-type spiral bulges
    Graham, A. W. et al.

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  • The influence of microlensing on spectral line shapes generated by a relativistic accretion disc
    We study the influence of gravitational microlensing on the spectral line profiles originating from a relativistic accretion disc. Using the Chen & Halpern model for the disc, we show the noticeable changes that microlensing can induce in the line shape when the Einstein radius associated with the microlens is of a size comparable to that of the
    Popović, L. Č et al.

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  • The influence of the C+N+O abundances on the determination of the relative ages of globular clusters: the case of NGC1851 and NGC6121 (M4)†
    The colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) of NGC1851 presents two subgiant branches (SGBs), probably due to the presence of two populations differing in total C+N+O (carbon+nitrogen+oxygen) content. We test the idea that a difference in total C+N+O may simulate an age difference when comparing the CMD of clusters to derive relative ages. We compare
    D'Antona, F. et al.

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  • The Influence of the Environment on Bar Formation
    Galaxy mergers and interactions are mechanisms which should drive the formation of bars. Therefore, we could expect that the fraction of barred galaxies increases with the local density. Here we show the first results of an extensive search for barred galaxies in different environments. We conclude that the bar fraction on bright (L>L*) field
    Méndez-Abreu, J. et al.

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  • The Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC): Its Role in Leading the Development of Spanish Astrophysics
    Not Available
    Sánchez, F.

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