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  • Modeling the ionizing spectra of H II regions: individual stars versus stellar ensembles
    Aims: We study how IMF sampling affects the ionizing flux and emission line spectra of low mass stellar clusters. Methods: We performed 2 × 106 Monte Carlo simulations of zero-age solar-metallicity stellar clusters covering the 20-106 M&sun; mass range. We study the distribution of cluster stellar masses, Mclus, ionizing fluxes, Q(H0), and
    Villaverde, M. et al.

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  • Modeling the Subsurface Structure of Sunspots
    While sunspots are easily observed at the solar surface, determining their subsurface structure is not trivial. There are two main hypotheses for the subsurface structure of sunspots: the monolithic model and the cluster model. Local helioseismology is the only means by which we can investigate subphotospheric structure. However, as current linear
    Moradi, H. et al.

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  • Monitoring and physical characterization of Near Earth Objects
    We describe an ongoing program dedicated to the observation and physical characterization of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) using night facilities of Observatorio del Teide (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain). We are observing NEOs with the aim of doing recovery and follow-up astrometry, of studying their rotational properties using
    de Leon, J. et al.

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  • Monitoring of the likely optical counterpart of XTE J1728-295
    We have been monitoring the position of the very faint X-ray transient XTE J1728-295 (= IGR J17285-2922, ATel #2823, #2824, #2825) with the Faulkes Telescopes North and South throughout its outburst. Data were acquired on thirteen dates from 1st September until 28th October, mostly in I- band and R-band. Of the original seven stars detected with
    Russell, D. M. et al.

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  • Morphological studies of the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic survey galaxy population in the UGC 10214 Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys field
    We present the results of a morphological analysis of a small subset of the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic survey (SWIRE) galaxy population. The analysis is based on public Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) data taken inside the SWIRE N1 field, which are the deepest optical high-resolution imaging available within the SWIRE fields as of
    Hatziminaoglou, E. et al.

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