Severo Ochoa Programme

Outreach news

  • Omaira González Martín
    For astronomers one of the biggest obstacles is the darkness of the Universe itself, above all the darkness caused by the gas and dust which surround active galactic nuclei, or AGN. These nuclei emit a huge quantity of energy produced by the supermassive black hole onto which matter falls at a considerable rate. The accretion processes are fundamental for the evolution of active galaxies. However these nuclei often remain hidden by the dusty structures, called tori, which surround the central black hole. Studyuing the properties of this circumnuclear dust, the accretion processes, and
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  • Attendees at the 2017 11F activities in La Laguna
    For a further year the IAC is celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science with activities to encourage the interest of the younger girls in scientific and technological careers. According to the report “ Women scientists in figures, 2017” the proportion of women in the total of the researchers in Spain has no trisen in the past 10 years, holding steady at 39%. But worse, at later stages in the research career this pecentage drops to 29%. In order to redress the balance on December 15th 2015 the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 11th February the
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  • Poster of February 11th, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Design: Inés Bonet (IAC)
    Again this year the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is showing its commitment to gender equality by organizing a large number of activities around February 11th, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The main aim of this day, which was declares by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2015 is: ‘to recognize the important role that women and girls play in science and technology’ In recent years the number of women in science and technology carrees has increased significnatly. In 2017 there were six countries with more women scientists and engineers than men
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  • Imagen de stand durante la semana de la ciencia en La Palma
    The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, (IAC) has participated, with a number of activities, in the XV Edition of the Science and Innovation Weeks organized bby the Canary Agency of Research, Innovation, and the Information Society (ACIISI) of the Government of the Canaries, in this way making a contribution to the popularization of science and technology in the society of the islands. The main theme of the event was the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements, because 2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table which was proposed by Dimitri Mendeev just 150 years ago.El IAC ha
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  • Nayra Rodríguez, IAC astrophysicist divulger, during the presentation of the course "Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands"
    The V International Summer Course “Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands”, organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and designed to train primary and secondary school teachers, has started. For a week 30 teachers from 5 countries will particate in lectures and practical workshops on astronomy, and will gain first hand experience of how work is carried out in the Observatories.
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  • Fotograma de la serie audiovisual IAC Investiga.
    The audiovisual series “The IAC investigates” produced by the IAC within its Unit of Communication and Scientific Culture (UC3) with funding from the Severo Ochoa programme, received the prize for the best scientific audiovisual production in the category of Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+I) in the XXIX edition of the International Bienale of Science Cinema BICC2018 Ronda-Madrid-Mexico.
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