The current status of the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey [J-PLUS]

Carlos Hernández Monteagudo
Fecha y hora
12 Jul 2017 - 12:30 Europe/London


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The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (aka J-PLUS) has covered almost 500 square degrees since it started operations in November 2015. J-PLUS is conducted by the 80-cm diameter Javalambre Auxiliary Survey Telescope (JAST/T80), which, despite its modest size, has a relatively large Field of View (~2 square degrees). The camera attached to JAST/T80 counts with a system of five broad band filters (u_JAVA, g_SDSS, r_SDSS, i_SDSS, z_SDSS) plus seven narrow band filters (of width ranging from 10 to 20 nm). Four of these narrow band filters are centered upon Halpha, Hdelta, Ca Triplet, and OII 3727A (rest frame).  After a strategic redefinition of  filter depths, JAST/T80 should cover the Javalambre sky at a speed of 1500 square degrees per year. I will briefly describe the instrument and the survey specifications, together with some of the scientific projects under development, and their preliminary results. I will also describe the J-PLUS online data base in an attempt to encourage members and potential members of the collaboration to exploit these data.