Polarimetry toward the IRAS Vela Shell. I. The Catalog

Pereyra, A.; Magalhães, A. M.
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The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 141, Issue 2, pp. 469-483.

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We have obtained linear polarization measurements of stars along the western side of the IRAS Vela Shell toward HD 62542. From 16 CCD fields distributed along the ionization front (I-front) we have built a catalog of 856 objects with polarization signal-to-noise ratio larger than 10. We detect very significant levels of polarization and hence an appreciable magnetic field throughout the region. Composite polarization maps around the I-front are shown. In some regions the polarization vectors are parallel to the I-front, but a perpendicular trend is also evident along parts of the front. In addition, the polarization pattern seems to be affected by gas streaming inside the cloud.