Searching for planetary transits around M dwarfs with telescope networks

Palle, E.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Casal, Estefanía
Referencia bibliográfica

Hot Planets and Cool Stars, Garching, Germany, Edited by Roberto Saglia; EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 47, id.03007

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As of today, hundreds of extrasolar planets have been discoverd, and thousands of candidates are waiting for confirmation. Although we already have discovered dozens of the least massive planets (the so called super-Earths), only a few have been found to be orbiting low mass stars, and only one that actually transist a bright M star. Here, we propose to carry out a photometric search for transiting super-Earths in the Habitable Zone of a large sample of very low-mass stars (M < 0.3 M⊙). These planets have a higher transit detection probability, shorter orbital periods and produce larger radial velocity amplitudes than those orbiting Solar type stars. The observing strategy proposed for such a search would require a robotic network of 1-m class telescopes, such as the LCOGT will provide.
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