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  • Outburst activity in comets - II. A multiband photometric monitoring of comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
    We have carried out a continuous multiband photometric monitoring of the nuclear activity of comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 from 2008 to 2010. Our main aim has been to study the outburst mechanism on the basis of a follow-up of the photometric variations associated with the release of dust. We have used a standardized method to obtain the 10
    Trigo-Rodríguez, Josep M. et al.

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  • Outflows of Very Ionized Gas in the Centers of Seyfert Galaxies: Kinematics and Physical Conditions
    Mid-resolution spectra are used to deduce the size and kinematics of the coronal region in a sample of Seyfert galaxies by means of observations of the [Fe XI], [Fe X], [Fe VII], [Si VI], and [Si VII] lines. These coronal lines (CLs) extend from the unresolved nucleus up to a few tens to a few hundreds of parsecs. The region of the highest ionized
    Rodríguez-Ardila, Alberto et al.

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  • Overcoming the Challenges Associated with Image-based Mapping of Small Bodies in Preparation for the OSIRIS-REx Mission to (101955) Bennu
    The OSIRIS‐REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission is the third mission in National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s New Frontiers Program and is the first U.S. mission to return samples from an asteroid to Earth. The most important decision ahead of the OSIRIS‐REx team is the selection of a prime sample‐site on the surface of asteroid
    DellaGiustina, D. N. et al.

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  • Oxygen abundances in unevolved metal-poor stars - Interpretation and consequences
    The oxygen abundance has been determined by analysis of the O I infrared triplet in 30 unevolved field stars of metallicities in the range Fe/H abundance ratio between -0.2 and -3.5. The data show that the O/Fe abundance ratio increases monotonically as metallicity decreases from solar, reaching values in the range 1.0-1.2 at an Fe/H abundance
    Abia, C. et al.

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  • Oxygen In The Galactic Disk: Non-LTE Abundances From The 777 nm O I Triplet
    Oxygen abundances for a large sample of dwarf stars in the Galactic thin and thick disks are determined from a non-LTE analysis of the oxygen triplet lines at 777 nm. Kinematic criteria are employed to determine whether a star belongs to the thin or thick disk. Temperatures are obtained from photometric calibrations based on the infrared flux
    Ramirez, I. et al.

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  • Parallaxes and physical properties of 11 mid-to-late T dwarfs
    Aims: We present parallaxes of 11 mid-to-late T dwarfs observed in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey. We use these results to test the reliability of model predictions in magnitude-color space, determine a magnitude-spectral type calibration, and, estimate a bolometric luminosity and effective temperature range for the targets. Methods: We used
    Marocco, F. et al.

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