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  • High Resolution Solar Physics from the Space Station with Interferometric Techniques: The Solar Ultraviolet Network (SUN) - Instrument &Objectives
    Not Available
    Damé, L. et al.

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  • High resolution solar physics from the space station with interferometric techniques: the Solar Ultraviolet Network (SUN) - instrument & objectives.
    Not Available
    Damé, L. et al.

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  • H II regions, morphology and star formation in disc galaxies.
    The distribution and morphology of H II regions in the discs of spirals has been examined in great detail for a set of objects imaged in Hα. In those with welldefined spiral arms the resonance structure is beautifully revealed by comparing the Hα flux with that from the underlying neutral gas. It is possible to infer the pattern speed of the
    Beckman, J. E. et al.

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  • Gas flow, population structure and starburst activity in the central zone of NGC 4736
    The Sb galaxy NGC 4736 has a well observed ring of bright HII regions just outside its bulge, at some 1.3 kpc from the nucleus, with an apparent expansion velocity of about 30 km/s. Dynamical evidence is produced to show that this outflow originated in a starburst in the bulge which occurred some 3 x 10 exp 7 years ago. Corroborative evidence for
    Varela, A. M. et al.

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