Traces of Galaxy Formation: Stellar populations, Dynamics and Morphology


    Welcome to the Traces of Galaxy Formation research group website.

    We are a large, diverse, and very active research group aiming to provide a comprehensive picture for the formation of galaxies in the Universe. Rooted in detailed stellar population analysis, we are constantly exploring and developing new tools and ideas to understand how galaxies came to be what we now observe.

    A complex star formation history, as the one expected to describe galaxy evolution, needs a multidisciplinary approach to be fully understood. Our group at the IAC consists of experienced researchers in cosmological simulations, dynamical studies, stellar populations and morphological properties of galaxies up to high redshift. We combine different approaches (e.g. observations and theory, secular and cosmological evolution studies) to obtain a complete view of the dominant mechanisms driving the evolution of galaxies.

    Within this general framework, we are currently exploring three main areas of research:

    1. Stellar population synthesis models
      • Development of new stellar population synthesis models
      • Stellar population analysis tools
      • Universality of the stellar initial mass function (IMF)
    2. Cosmic evolution of galaxies
      • Massive galaxy evolution
      • Stellar populations in different environments
      • Low surface brightness science
      • Machine learning and cosmological simulations
    3. Evolutionary processes in nearby galaxies
      • The role of black holes in the evolution of galaxies
      • Surveys of nearby galaxies
      • Stellar kinematics and dynamical models

    If you want to get in contact or work with us, please send an email to the head of the group (Ignacio Martín-Navarro ignacio.martin [at] (ignacio[dot]martin[at]iac[dot]es)).

    Principal investigator

    Here you can find some of our most recent highlights:

    Related publications

    The edges of galaxies: Tracing the limits of star formation 2022A&A...667A..87C
    Non-Gaussianity of optical emission lines in SDSS star-forming galaxies and its implications on galactic outflows 2022PASA...39...54Y
    The stellar populations of quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxies from optical to mid-infrared spectral energy distribution fitting 2022MNRAS.517.2231B
    On the accretion of a new group of galaxies on to Virgo - II. The effect of pre-processing on the stellar population content of dEs 2022MNRAS.515.4622B
    Non-solar abundance ratios trends of dEs in the Fornax Cluster using newly defined high-resolution indices 2022MNRAS.515.3472S
    The Fornax3D project: Discovery of ancient massive merger events in the Fornax cluster galaxies NGC 1380 and NGC 1427 2022A&A...664A.115Z
    Lessons from the massive relic NGC 1277: Remaining in situstar formation in the cores of massive galaxies 2022MNRAS.515.4514S
    Fornax3D project: Assembly history of massive early-type galaxies in the Fornax cluster from deep imaging and integral field spectroscopy 2022A&A...663A.135S
    The relic galaxy NGC 1277 rules out intermediate-age stellar populations origin of CO-strong absorptions in massive early-type galaxies 2022MNRAS.515L..56E
    Testing the role of AGN on the star formation and metal enrichment of 'twin galaxies' 2022MNRAS.515..378A
    The black hole population in low-mass galaxies in large-scale cosmological simulations 2022MNRAS.514.4912H
    The Fornax3D project: intrinsic correlations between orbital properties and the stellar initial mass function 2022MNRAS.514.3660P
    Local variations of the stellar velocity ellipsoid - II. The effect of the bar in the inner regions of Auriga galaxies 2022MNRAS.513.4587W
    Modelling simple stellar populations in the near-ultraviolet to near-infrared with the X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL) 2022A&A...661A..50V
    The Fornax3D project: The environmental impact on gas metallicity gradients in Fornax cluster galaxies 2022A&A...660A.105L
    From Naked Spheroids to Disky Galaxies: How Do Massive Disk Galaxies Shape Their Morphology? 2022ApJ...929..121C
    The X-shooter Spectral Library (XSL): Data Release 3 2022A&A...660A..34V
    Rejuvenation triggers nuclear activity in nearby galaxies 2022MNRAS.513L..10M
    Low-metallicity globular clusters in the low-mass isolated spiral galaxy NGC 2403 2022MNRAS.512..802F
    Strong CO absorption features in massive ETGs 2022MNRAS.512..378E
    Inferring the helium abundance of extragalactic globular clusters using integrated spectra 2022MNRAS.512..548L
    Implications for galaxy formation models from observations of globular clusters around ultradiffuse galaxies 2022MNRAS.511.4633S
    The dark side of galaxy stellar populations - I. The stellar-to-halo mass relation and the velocity dispersion-halo mass relation 2022MNRAS.511.4900S
    CO-CAVITY pilot survey: Molecular gas and star formation in void galaxies 2022A&A...658A.124D
    Observed versus simulated halo c-M<SUB>vir</SUB> relations 2022MNRAS.510L..24L
    From blue cloud to red sequence: evidence of morphological transition prior to star formation quenching 2022MNRAS.509..567S
    The Fornax3D project: Planetary nebulae catalogue and independent distance measurements to Fornax cluster galaxies 2021A&A...653A.167S
    Capturing the Physics of MaNGA Galaxies with Self-supervised Machine Learning 2021ApJ...921..177S
    Chronos: A NIR spectroscopic galaxy survey to probe the most fundamental stages of galaxy evolution 2021ExA....51..729F
    Physically Motivated Fit to Mass Surface Density Profiles Observed in Galaxies 2021ApJ...921..125S
    Rejuvenation triggers nuclear activity in nearby galaxies 2021MNRAS.tmpL..99M
    Outflows from starburst galaxies with various driving mechanisms and their X-ray properties 2021MNRAS.508.5092Y
    X-ray bubbles in the circumgalactic medium of TNG50 Milky Way- and M31-like galaxies: signposts of supermassive black hole activity 2021MNRAS.508.4667P
    Anomaly detection in Hyper Suprime-Cam galaxy images with generative adversarial networks 2021MNRAS.508.2946S
    NGC 5746: Formation history of a massive disc-dominated galaxy 2021MNRAS.508.2458M
    Fornax 3D project: Assessing the diversity of IMF and stellar population maps within the Fornax Cluster 2021A&A...654A..59M
    Introducing the LBT Imaging of Galactic Halos and Tidal Structures (LIGHTS) survey. A preview of the low surface brightness Universe to be unveiled by LSST 2021A&A...654A..40T
    A Disk and No Signatures of Tidal Distortion in the Galaxy "Lacking" Dark Matter NGC 1052-DF2 2021ApJ...919...56M
    Surface brightness fluctuations to constrain secondary stellar populations: revealing very low-metallicity stars in massive galaxies 2021MNRAS.507.3005R
    The miniJPAS survey: A preview of the Universe in 56 colors 2021A&A...653A..31B

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