Beckman, J. E.; Font, J.; Borlaff, A.; García-Lorenzo, B.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 854, Issue 2, article id. 182, 7 pp. (2018).
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Density waves in galaxy disks have been proposed over the years, in a
variety of specific models, to explain spiral arm structure and its
relation to the mass distribution, notably in barred galaxies. An
important parameter in dynamical density wave theories is the corotation
radius, the galactocentric distance at which the stars and gas rotate at
the same speed as the quasi-static propagating density wave. Determining
corotation, and the pattern speed of a bar have become relevant to tests
of cosmologically based theories of galaxy evolution involving the
dynamical braking of bars by interaction with dark matter halos. Here,
comparing two methods, one of that measures the pattern speed and
another that measures the radius of corotation, using two instruments
(an integral field spectrometer and a Fabry–Perot interferometer),
and using both the stellar and interstellar velocity fields, we have
determined the bar corotation radius, and three further radii of
corotation for the SAB(s)b galaxy NGC 3433. The results of both methods,
with both instruments, and with both disk components, give excellent
agreement. This strengthens our confidence in the value of the two
methods, and offers good perspectives for quantitative tests of
different theoretical models.
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