
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

Title Type Advertised on
Found: the lost generation of stars in globular clusters which stellar evolution models had predicted Press release
How a galaxy bigger than the Milky Way can be built up in a shorter time that the Solar System. This and other questions from the second day of “Science with the GTC”. Press release
A supernova that may not be one, and other scientific results from the first day of the V International Conference "Science with the GTC" Press release
The 5th International Conference on “Science with the GTC” starts tomorrow Press release
The GTC finds a mysterious microquasar in the galaxy M81 This object could host a very “special” black hole, according to the authors of the study, advertised in today’s edition of the prestigious journal Nature. Press release
Science and Technology will be debated in the Technical meeting of RedIRIS in Tenerife Press release
Danny Steeghs: “High time resolution optical astrophysics concerns the study of objects using visible light, but on timescales of minutes or faster” Interview
Identified around galactic halos, a fraction of the "missing" normal matter Press release
Elizabeth Ferrara: “The gamma rays we see are mostly produced by stellar remnants and supermassive black holes” Interview
In memoriam Rod Davies Press release
Phil Charles: “The advances through the forty years I have been a research astronomer have all been a result of the huge technology gains that have taken place since the Second World War, particularly in the space arena, where many wavelengths had been co Interview
The CCI (International Scientific Committee) of the “Observatorios de Canarias” held its 74th Meeting in the La Laguna University yesterday, Tuesday November 17 Press release
Julien Malzac: “Everything happens very quickly in the vicinity of a black hole or a neutron star” Interview
Andrea Possenti: “All pulsars are neutron stars, but not all neutron stars appear like pulsars” Interview
Exploring black holes with a clock Press release
Tomaso Belloni: “X-rays, which are generated only in presence of very high energies, led to the discovery of the most extreme objects existing both inside and outside our galaxy” Interview
Vik Dhillon: “HTRA is the study of how astronomical objects vary on fast timescales, where fast means milliseconds to seconds” Interview
XXVII Canary Islands Winter School - High Time Resolution Astrophysics From 9th to 20th November in the Aula, the main conference room of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) headquarters, in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, the IAC announc Press release
“We were lucky, we had a big detector called Superkamiokande and observed these neutrinos. We found that these neutrinos have very tiny masses”Interview with Takaaki Kajita, Nobel Prize for Physics Interview
The Canaries collaborate in following the Near Earth Object (NEO) 2015 TB145 Press release
The Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC) has had its Severo Ochoa Award as a Centre of Excellence renewed. Press release
Tecnodía: compartiendo tecnología en el IAC Press release
First showing of the video "PLANETARY SYSTEMS" Press release
Kissing each other, two stars are heading for catastrophe Press release
Estreno de la película “El Mundo Anillo. Viaje a un exoplaneta” en el Planetario CETA-CIEMAT Press release
El IAC recibe el Premio “Empresa ejemplar en Prevención” del FREMAP Press release
The JKT, a historic telescope at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, reopens, this time under remote control operation Press release
Takaaki Kajita, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2015 participated in the stone-laying ceremony for the prototype telescope of the LST Press release
Los 20 centros de investigación de Excelencia Severo Ochoa piden una “reforma urgente de las leyes que regulan la ciencia” Press release
The 'casting' of Spanish Science News report
Laying the first stone of the prototype of the LST (Large Size Telescope) Press release
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Pablo Jáuregui: "If science is narrated well, it can be exciting for all types of audiences" Interview
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Kenneth Chang: “Everyone wishes there were a magic formula for figuring out the best mix of applied science and pure science” Interview
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Antonio Calvo Roy: “We won’t have a strong system of science until we have a robust communication system” Interview
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Juan Lerma: “Understanding the brain is one of the major challenges of modern science” Interview
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Pere Estupinyà: “The effects of poor popularization are not usually noticed” Interview
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Pampa García Molina: “The best way to fight pseudoscience is to inform without teaching” Interview
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Rosa M. Tristán: “There is an enormous amount of scientific illiteracy in Spain” Interview
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Patricia Fernández de Lis: "The Severo Ochoa award has given an impulse to excellence in science” Interview
INTERVIEWS “100XCIENCIA" - Javier Gregori: "The Severo Ochoa awards are the 'European Champions League' of science" Interview
Kenneth Chang, science journalist on the New York Times, says that science is interesting because there are still so many unanswered questions Press release
Mañana se inaugura en La Palma el Foro “100xCIENCIA” Press release
El IAC y Santander Universidades invitan a 25 jóvenes periodistas científicos a ‘100xCIENCIA’ Press release
How is a galaxy fed? Press release
FOTONOTICIA: Eclipse total de superluna desde Canarias Press release
Total eclipse of the supermoon Press release
EE.UU. aprueba la construcción del experimento DESI que tratará de desvelar el misterio de la Energía Oscura Press release
A new eye on the infrared sky Press release
The Sun could have its magnetic axis and its rotation axis misaligned Press release
Thousands of drawings by European children will travel into space on board “CHEOPS” Press release
CLASP has a successful mission Press release
“VOCES” VUELVE Press release
SARA SEAGER: “En 10 años tendremos la capacidad de encontrar vida en un exoplaneta” Interview
Últimas imágenes de Auroras Boreales desde IslandiaVIDEONOTICIA Press release
CLASP, a pioneering project to study the magnetic field of the solar chromosphere. Press release
Auroras Boreales en directo desde Islandia/Groenlandia, con GLORIA Press release
Perseids 2015 Press release
El nuevo alcalde de La Laguna visita el IACFOTONOTICIA Press release
The IAC describes its lines of research in five videos Press release
El Mundo Anillo. Viaje a un exoplaneta, próximamente en su sala favorita Press release
El presidente del Gobierno de Canarias visita el IACFOTONOTICIA Press release
El “Sloan” continúa su exploración del Universo Press release
The CTA has chosen the island of La Palma for one of its two observing sites Press release
Pluto, observed with the William Herschel Telescope Press release
Astronomía, arquitectura y simbolismo en la necrópolis egipcia de Dahshur Press release
The lacy filaments in the wings of a “butterfly” called NGC 2346 Press release
Nuevo récord de visitas en las dos Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas del Observatorio del Teide Press release
What´s the Matter with our Universe? Press release
3rd and 4th July, Open Days at the Teide Observatory, organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
The King presided over the commemoration ceremony for the 30th anniversary of the Canary Observatories Press release
The Governing Council underlines the brilliant achievements of the IAC in the last 30 years Press release
EWASS 2015, the largest astronomical conference ever held in Spain, and with a major presence of women Press release
AMINA HELMI: Using the Milky Way and nearby galaxies we can learn about the distribution of dark matter in the universe" Interview
A hungry black hole which wakes up every 25 years Press release
ENRIC PALLÉ. “We shouldn`t have any doubts that there is life in some other place in the universe” Interview
Giant galaxies feeding, prizes for young researchers, and the search for extraterrestrial life Press release
“SCIENCE FROM SPACE” Press release
MICHELA MAPELLI: "The centre of the Milky Way is one of the most studied, but nevertheless one of the most enigmantic places in the universe" Interview
Looking for the best sky Press release
MARÍA ROSA ZAPATERO-OSORIO: “Brown dwarfs can potentially have rocky planets like the Earth in their habitability zones” Interview
<em>Gaia</em>, brown dwarfs, and exoplanets, outstanding topics of the second day of EWASS 2015 Press release
CARME JORDI “Gaia has already covered the whole sky” Interview
The King will inaugurate the QUIJOTE Experiment along with six robotic telescopes at Teide Observatory Press release
The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2015) inaugurated in Tenerife Press release
LICIA VERDE: “We just ended the golden era of the Cosmic Microwave Background observation” Interview
Special lectures in the Museum of Science and the Cosmos to accompany the EWASS 2015 meeting Press release
The SolarLab outreach project ends, leaving a major impact on the educational community in the Canaries after two years of activity Press release
Countdowns for the <em>Solar Orbiter</em> mission and the large EST telescope Press release
Centres of Excellence in Research organize an international meeting between scientists and communicators Press release
Tenerife hosts the II International Conference on "Thermal Models in Planetary Science" Press release
First Light for the new instrument HORS on the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) Press release
The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science will bring together more than a thousand professional astronomers in Tenerife Press release
The Ambassador of France to Spain visited the IACPHOTO NEWS Press release
La Red Española de Supercomputación incorpora cinco nuevos nodos Press release
Research Centres and Universities in the Canaries organize an open debate on Twitter about R+D+I, with the collaboration of ACIISI Press release
The Spanish Association for Scientific Industry is negotiating a cooperation agreement with the IAC Press release
EXPLORING THE UNIVERSE with the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canaries Press release
Five Near Earth Asteroids (NEA's) discovered with the Isaac Newton Telescope on La Palma Press release
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) has initiated negotiations with Spain for the possible siting of its northern hemisphere headquarters on the Island of La Palma Press release
PHOTO NEWS: Tracking the solar eclipse of March 20 Press release
Eclipse de Sol del día 20 de marzo de 2015 Press release
Total eclipse of the sun: 20TH MARCH. GLORIA will transmit images in real time, from the Faroe Islands Press release
The IAC performs a simulation of the formation and evolution of a cluster of galaxies using the supercomputer "Teide-HPC" Press release
FOTONOTICIA: El alcalde de La Laguna visita el IAC Press release
Tenerife contará con un centro puntero en instrumentación científica avanzadaNOTA DE PRENSA EMITIDA POR EL CABILDO DE TENERIFE Press release
An orange beam that helps astronomersPHOTO NEWS Press release
International Conference on Multi-object Spectroscopy in La Palma Press release
FOTONOTICIA: Representantes del Partido Popular de Canarias visitan el IAC Press release
EXPLORING THE UNIVERSE with the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canaries Press release
The US ambassador to Spain visits the IACPHOTO NEWS Press release
JUPITER, a laboratory for studying exoplanets Press release
El IAC firma el acuerdo Marco Estratégico Tenerife Violeta (METV) Press release
“Do you dare to measure the velocity of light?” Press release
First Light of a "Guide Star" Press release
A Stellar Marriage Doomed to End in a Catastrophic Divorce Press release
sigma Orionis, much more than a star Press release
Novedades sobre el cometa Lovejoy Press release
The ACIISI signs a collaboration agreement with the IAC and GRANTECAN with a value of 20 million euros Press release
A different story News report
Cometa Lovejoy desde Tenerife Press release
The SDSS Project Opens a New Window to the Sky, on the Internet Press release
The GALEX/S4G UV-IR color-color diagram: catching Spiral Galaxies away from the Blue Sequence. Research news
First EURONEAR NEA discoveries from La Palma using the INT. Research news
Jupiter as an Exoplanet: UV to NIR Transmission Spectrum Reveals Hazes, a Na Layer, and Possibly Stratospheric H2O-ice Clouds. Research news
Evidence of the Missing Baryons in the local Universe, around halos of bright galaxies Research news
The double-degenerate, super-Chandrasekhar nucleus of the planetary nebula Henize 2–428. Research news
Discovery of a young planetary mass companion to the nearby M dwarf VHS J125601.92-125723.9 Research news
Supernovae and their expanding blast waves during the early evolution of Galactic globular clusters Research news
First evidence of the possible detection of diffuse circumstellar bands Research news
The stellar initial mass function at 0.9 < z < 1.5. Research news
Chromospheric polarization in the photospheric solar oxygen infrared triplet. Research news
A mysterious microquasar in M81 Research news
Orbital and Physical Properties of the sigma Ori Aa, Ab, B Triple System. Research news
Astronomy, Architecture and Symbolism: the global project of Sneferu at Dahshur. Research news
Resolving an event-horizon-scale structure around the supermassive black hole of a lensed quasar Research news
Height Variation of the vector magnetic field in solar spicules Research news
Radial variations in the stellar initial mass function of early-type galaxies. Research news
Are Tornado-Like Magnetic Structures Able To Support Solar Prominence Plasma? Research news
Detection of second-generation asymptotic giant branch stars in metal-poor globular clusters Research news
Más de 40 empresarios del sector de I+D conocen en Madrid las oportunidades financieras y tecnológicas de la Astrofísica en Canarias Press release
Observers find two stars so close together that they will end up by merging into one very massive star Press release
JEAN-LUC STARCK: “If you don´t process it beforehand, you will never have an image of the Universe” Interview
PHIL GREGORY: “If life on other planets has evolved in the same way as life on Earth, it is more likely that we will find dinosaurs than intelligent life” Interview
ROBERTO TROTTA: “Our understanding of the Universe does not depend on the data, but on our ability to understand them” Interview
DUSTIN LANG: “In astrophysics we pay attention to the small details” Interview
The GLORIA project allows internauts to use thirteen robotic telescopes distributed on three continents Press release
How to make sensible electoral predictions Press release
Puppet Theatre in the Museum: “Do puppets dream of the Universe?” Press release
JOSÉ MIGUEL BERNARDO: “Traditional statistical methods are inefficient for the problems of modern science” Interview
Gamma-ray storm in the black hole Press release
BRENDON J. BREWER: “Bayesian inference maximizes the possibility of finding the answer to certain question with a minimum of data” Interview
The journal Astronomy & Astrophysics is publishing a special volume of 31 articles about the cosmological results from the Planck satellite. Press release
El IAC ofrecerá a la sociedad canaria actividades divulgativas en el marco de las Semanas de la Ciencia Press release
TOM LOREDO: “With Bayesian statistics we can determine the uncertainty of reality” Interview
“Ghost light” from dead galaxies Press release
The first telescope of the SONG network is inaugurated Press release
The Jesús Serra foundation and the Astrophysics Institute of the Canaries present the scientists in the programme "Visiting Researchers" Press release
“Hertzsprung SONG”: a new telescope at the Teide Observatory Press release
Magnetic fields which rejuvenate stars Press release
Invasion of people with a passion for space optics Press release
Small, but greedy black holes revealed Press release
Abierta la inscripción para el concurso "NameExoWorlds" de la IAU Press release
Stephen Hawking visitó hoy la sede central del Instituto de Astrofísica de CanariasFOTONOTICIA Press release
PHOTONEW Press release
El Observatorio del Teide acoge su primer Tweetup Press release
Meeting with three Nobel Laureates in the Museum of Science and the Cosmos, organizad by the IAC and the Cabildo of Tenerife Press release
Stephen Hawking encourages the IAC in its serach for gravitational waves from the Big Bang with the QUIJOTE expermient Press release
STARMUS BEGINS Press release
First showing of the high definition audio-visual film "Exploring the Solar System" in the CETA-CIEMAT Planetarium Press release
Can science solve the mystery of existence? Press release
Prestigiosos filósofos y cosmólogos visitan el Observatorio del TeideFOTONOTICIA Press release
Joe Silk: "Me encanta la teoría de la Inflación, pero necesitamos pruebas" Interview
Carlo Rovelli: "En el Universo podría haber sistemas distintos a nosotros con otra flecha del tiempo, o sin tiempo" Interview
219 million stars: a detailed catalogue of the visible Milky Way with the Isaac Newton Telescope News report
El origen del Universo, ¿una cuestión metafísica? Press release
El experimento español QUIJOTE podría medir las huellas de ondas gravitacionales del Big Bang' ya a finales de 2015 News report
When science and philosophy meet. Press release
Real-time transmission of aurora borealis from Greenland and Iceland, with GLORIA Press release
The Aurora Borealis in real time from Greenland and Iceland, with GLORIA Press release
Episodic Star Formation Press release
SuperMoon from TenerifePHOTONEWS Press release
Blind date with the Perseids Press release
Lyman Page: “The announcement about the detection of primordial B-modes was premature” Interview
Llamaradas estelares: al calor de las fulguraciones News report
The IAC Governing Council approves the 2014 - 2017 Strategic Plan for sustaining activities at the centre Press release
Meeting of the Governing Council of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
El programa “la Caixa” – Severo Ochoa beca a cinco estudiantes para cursar un doctorado en el IAC Press release