
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

Title Type Advertised on
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the KU Leuven reneu their framework of cooperation Press release
The Solar System Group at the IAC discovers a new asteroid near the Earth Press release
The IAC brings astronomy to the PHE Festival Photomontage
The Roque de los Muchachos Observatory holds a new meeting with its neighbours in Garafía Photomontage
The new TST telescope at the Teide Observatory celebrates its First Light Press release
Cientos de personas acuden a las jornadas de puertas abiertas del Observatorio del Teide Press release
The Teide Observatory will hold its Open Days on 22nd and 23rd June Press release
The Centre for Astrophysics on La Palma is renamed “Francisco Sánchez” in honour of the founder of the IAC Press release
MIT Astronomy Field Camp returns to the Teide Observatory Photomontage
An asteroid is named after the Jesuit Juan Casanovas, founder of the Solar Physics group at the IAC Photomontage
Official inauguration of the educational project CosmoLab 2023-2027 Photomontage
Un mapa para recuperar la noche Photomontage
The Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda visits the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
The president of the Cabildo de La Palma visits the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
Teresa Ribera visits the Teide Observatory to assess the effects of the fire Photomontage
The residents of Garafía visit the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on a day of sharing Photomontage
Massive pulsating star provides clues to calibrate stellar evolution models Press release
The Japanese ambassador visits the ORM Photomontage
Astronomical calendar 2023 Photomontage
The WEAVE spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope takes its first light data at the ORM Photomontage
The Rector of the University of La Laguna (ULL) visits the Gran Telescopio de Canarias to give an impulse to the Sustainability Plan for the telescope Press release
ASTRI telescopes at the Teide Observatory: an example of environmental integration Photomontage
The Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, meets with the scientific community at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
The OTPC: thirty years working to protect the sky News report
The first edition of the DRAGO educational project has been concluded Photomontage
A delegation from the Commission for Regional Development of the European Parliament visited the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Photomontage
Diana Morant, Minister of Science and Innovation, visits the Centre for Astrophysics in La Palma Press release
Images from the Hubble Space Telescope and GRANTECAN help to show how the first galaxies were formed Press release
Rocky exoplanets and their host stars may have similar composition Press release
WEAVE is ready to start operating in La Palma Press release
The origin of the first structures formed in galaxies like the Milky Way identified Press release
Astronomers discover a massive star cluster, of intermediate age, in the constellation Scutum Press release
The European Solar Telescope will be installed on La Palma Press release
The natural brightness of the night sky Press release
Quadrantids 2021: our best wishes for the start of a new year Press release
The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn: astronomical event of the year Photomontage
An eclipse, a superconjunction, and the last meteor shower of the year: Geminids 2020 Press release
The Roque de los Muchachos Observatory serves as an inspiration to the world tourism summit which is being held on La Palma Photomontage
The IAC renews its WiFi network platform Press release
The La Palma World Biosphere Reserve and the IAC work out a protocol to monitor and prevent invading species Press release
Aena and the IAC collaborate in the renewal of the lighting of the Tenerife South Airport Press release
The Spanish Goverment increases the budget of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias by 9 million euros Press release
The IAC renews the data network of the Canary Observatories  Press release
Astronomy and Literature, together again in La Palma Press release
Natural darkness to preserve night-time ecosystems Press release
The IAC is collaborating again with the Spanish-American Writers’ Festival in La Palma Press release
Communiqué from the IAC about the recent fire in Garafía Press release
Communiqué from the IAC. Telescopes of the ASTRI project Press release
Activities for Asteroid Day Press release
La Palma telescopes participate in the discovery of a young blazar produced by the merger of two galaxies Press release
EELabs: sustainable use of artificial lighting Press release
The Japanese ambassador to Spain visits the IAC and the Canary Observatories Press release
The Report on the Socio-economic Impact of the TMT on La Palma has been presented Press release
The VI Conference “Science with the Gran Telescopio Canarias” opens General
Direct broadcast of the transit of Mercury General
Free access to the largest catalogue of objects observed by Grantecan Press release
EMIR and MEGARA, two instruments giving excellent results on GRANTECAN Press release
The Universities of Turku (Finland) and Aarhus (Denmark) are the new owners of the NOT Press release
The Gran Telescopio Canarias obtains the visible spectrum of C/2019 Q4 (Borisov), the first confirmed interstellar comet Press release
A “gold mine” is detected in a collision of two distant stars Press release
A week of astronomical activities in the municipality of Garafía Press release
The Governing Council of the IAC gives firm support to the building of the TMT on La Palma Press release
The president of the Italian National Astrophysics Institute visits the IAC Photomontage
The project “CosmoLAB: the solar system as a laboratory in the classroom” is one year old Press release
The IAC and ESA sign an agreement to widen the programmes of connection and transmission of optical data at the Teide Observatory Press release
The CTA and the IAC celebrate the International Day of Light with an outreach day in Garafía Press release
The Gran Telescopio Canarias is participating in a programme to monitor potentially dangerous asteroids Press release
A system of globular clusters in the disc of a galaxy detected for the first time Press release
“GALACTICA”: the biggest panorama of the Milky Way is complete Press release
The HiPERCAM camera of the Gran Telescopio Canarias reveals new details about the oldest stars in the Milky Way Press release
Heavy metal planet fragment survives destruction from dead star Press release
Journey to the Big Bang through the lithium of a Milky Way star Press release
GRANTECAN opens its doors to its observing nights Press release
Contracts for those newly qualified in “Formación Profesional” Press release
Casiana Muñoz -Tuñón, new Deputy Director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
Quadrantids, start the year with good wishes! Press release
ROMANO CORRADI: “One of the best telescopes in the world had to be in one of the best sites in the world for observing the sky” Press release
HARMONI pases its design revisión and will be the spectrograph on the future ELT Press release
Astronomers find a way to “see” the distribution of dark matter in clusters of galaxies Press release
The Saturn Nebula reveals its complexity Press release
MuSCAT2 to find Earth-like habitable planets in the TESS era Press release
Calendario astronómico 2019 Press release
The present and future of research with the GTC Press release
BigSkyEarth Conference: AstroGeoInformatics Press release
The present and future of research with the GTC Press release
The VI Conference “Science with the Gran Telescopio Canarias” opens Press release
VI Conference on Science with the GTC Press release
Helium signal reveals the comet-like tail of exoplanet WASP-69b for the first time Press release
Rafael Rebolo, galardonado con uno de los Premios Nacionales de Investigación Científica Press release
Geminids 2018, the last big meteor shower of the year Press release
80ª reunión del Comité Científico Internacional en La Laguna Press release
A Sun more complex than expected Press release
The CTA-North Observatory: a network of opportunities for Spanish industry Press release
An amateur astronomer discovers a dwarf galaxy Press release
Our solar neighbourhood is full of planets Press release
Cosmic fireworks from a new gamma-ray binary Press release
La Palma hosts the meeting of the Board of the CTA Observatory Press release
Galaxies like Russian dolls Press release
El rentable legado de una ley única en el mundo Press release
The Winter School of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias on Big Data Comes to a Close Press release
Aluminium oxide found in an Ultra Hot Jupiter Press release
El valor del cielo de La Palma Press release
More than 80 participants from the whole world will attend the IAC Winter School on Big Data Press release
30 years protecting the Canary sky Press release
Astrophysics in the Canaries generates 3.5 euros for every euro invested Press release
Astrophysics in the Canaries generates 3.5 euros for every euro invested Press release
Two stars so close that they are almost touching found inside a planetary nebula Press release
Four years with SONG Press release
Close of the International Conference on the cosmic background radiation in Tenerife Press release
Astronomers propose a new method for detecting black holes Press release
Astronomy returns to the Canary classrooms Press release
Frontiers of Astroparticle Physics Press release
International Conference on the cosmic microwave background radiation in Tenerife Press release
Sextans: the smallest cannibal galaxy discovered until now Press release
LST1: a new telescope that shines in the summit of La Palma Press release
Inauguration of the LST-1 telescope on La Palma Press release
Galactic Archaeology Press release
The Environmental footprint of Artificial Lighting Press release
The faint glow of cosmic hydrogen Press release
The Law of the Sky is 30 years old Press release
A biography of possibly the first Canary astronomer will be presented, based on the discovery of a set of mysterious old exercise books in the library of the IAC Press release
Stars from the world of literature “touch the sky” at the La Palma Observatory Press release
The only known white dwarf orbited by planetary fragments has been analyzed Press release
The IAC collaborates in the first Hispanoamerican Festival of Authors in La Palma Press release
OTELO reveals a population of “ghost galaxies” in the Universe Press release
Night CAT call for proposals 2019A General
Perseids 2018, a spectacle in the sky Press release
After the Kepler supernova explosion, no survivors were left behind Press release
Un verano más, el IAC abre sus puertas a la formación de profesorado Press release
A young IAC scientist wins a distinguished prize from the European Physical Society Press release
Comienza el curso “Acércate al Cosmos” Press release
Anuncio del puesto de Subdirector del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
One of the densest clusters of galaxies in the universe is revealed Press release
The MAGIC telescopes help to uncover the origin of a cosmic neutrino Press release
PEDRO DUQUE “We will continue to support the Sky of the Canaries as a valuable factor for society” Press release
Researchers find organic material in the Antennae Galaxies Press release
Tellurium is detected in one of its places of origin Press release
MAGIC celebrates its 15th anniversary Press release
MARIO VARGAS LLOSA: “We must bring literature closer to the stars!” Press release
Representatives of the London School of Economics visit the IAC Press release
IV International Summer Course "Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands" Press release
Today, in the Sicilian town of Giardini Naxos (Italy) the first meeting on Science with the EST is starting Press release
Researchers discover a system with three Earth-sized planets Press release
Researchers discover multiple alkali metals in unique exoplanet Press release
ALMA: in search of our cosmic origins Press release
CosmoLAB: el Sistema Solar como laboratorio en el aula Press release
20 years keeping an eye on R Aquarii Press release
10ª edición del DNC: un ejemplo de comunicación interna Press release
SPICA, a candidate for the next class M scientific mission of ESA Press release
Call for IAC-Nordic NOT proposals for semester 2018B General
Presentación en La Palma de la exposición “FEDER, mirando el cielo” Press release
Researchers at the IAC participate in the discovery of clusters of galaxies in the early universe Press release
The itinerant exhibition “FEDER looks at the sky” comes to La Palma Press release
Lirids 2018: a date with the stars this weekend Press release
A stellar first showing of the new film by Mateo Gil “The Laws of Thermodynamics” Press release
A stargazers’ festival Press release
Meeting of the Advisory Research Commission of the IAC Press release
“The Universe is the best particle accelerator” Press release
The Galaxies "tune up their musical instruments" Press release
GALÁCTICA: The largest photo of the Milky Way available on the web Press release
The Hubble Space Telescope discovers the most distant star ever observed Press release
Representatives of the TMT visit the IAC and its observatories Press release
The Nobel Laureate Claude Cohen-Tannoudji visits the IAC and the Teide Observatory Press release
The workshop on the James Webb Space Telescope finishes Press release
IAC researchers will participate in the XIth Physics Students Conference at the University of La Laguna. Press release
Special issue “Women in Astronomy” Press release
Lecture on the James Webb Space Telescope at the Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos Press release
Researchers have observed the heating produced in the Sun by magnetic waves Press release
GTC studies the origin of the neutrino detected in the “Ice Cube” in the South Pole Press release
IAC astronomers find a star in the Milky Way that shouldn’t really exist Press release
CanariCam studies the polarization produced by the gas and dust around the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way Press release
Astronomy at the Canary classrooms Press release
The members of the group which is developing the HARMONI instrument for the European supertelescope ELT meet in Tenerife. Press release
Fuerteventura se vuelca con “Descubre el Universo” Press release
La ACIISI te invita a descubrir el Universo con el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Press release
CALIFA renews the classification of galaxies Press release
Galaxies that feed on other galaxies Press release
Overabundance of massive stars in the Tarantula Nebula Press release
News about Tabby’s star, the most mysterious star of 2017 Press release
The Quadrantids and the first wishes of the year Press release
NEFER: a new instrument for the GTC Press release
Students of the Universidad de La Laguna discover the brightest nova inside the Andromeda Galaxy of 2017 Press release
Calendario astronómico 2018 Press release
IAC astronomers find one of the first stars formed in the Milky Way Press release
El instrumento CARMENES descubre su primer exoplaneta Press release
The European Research Council awards one of its prestigious "ERC Consolidator Grants" to IAC researcher Elena Khomenko Press release
El magnetismo de los agujeros negros es sorprendentemente débil Press release
Gemínidas 2017, la lluvia de Navidad Press release
First light of ESPRESSO: a new generation of hunters for Earth-like planets Press release
Noviembre, mes de la divulgación científica Press release
Cuatro senadores visitan el IAC Press release
Emission from the centre of a galaxy has a serpentine shape Press release
Las Estrellas Errantes de las Nubes de Magallanes Press release
Clausurada la XXIX Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics Press release
Un planeta muy “heavy”, increíblemente metálico y denso Press release
El origen de la barra de la Gran Nube de Magallanes Press release
La vida de una estrella en un arco iris Press release
El Comité Científico Internacional de los Observatorios de Canarias se reúne en La Palma Press release
Hallan el segundo sistema planetario más cercano a la Tierra Press release